[3830] CQWW-CW-99 FINAL

Peter Forsberg sm2odb at mail.bip.net
Tue Nov 30 12:15:35 EST 1999

    Contest Dates : 27-Nov-99, 28-Nov-99

    Callsign Used : SM2ODB
         Operator : SM2ODB

         Category : SOAB LP

             Name : PETER FORSBERG
          Address : TUNDALSGATAN 8B
   City/State/Zip : 91531 ROBERTSFORS
          Country : Sweden

        Team/Club : TOEC

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

  160CW       12          12         11        12         2
   80CW      119         119        151        48        11
   40CW      113         113        207        67        15
   20CW      292         292        614        51        26
   15CW      251         251        324        50        16
   10CW      289         289        553        66        24

 Totals     1076        1076       1860       294        94

    Final Score =3D 721680 points.

 This is to certify that in the contest I have operated my transmitter =
 the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and=20
 regulations of the contest.

 Date __99-11-30_   Signed _PETER FORBERG_  Call _SM2ODB_

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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