Kurt Andress
K7NV at contesting.com
Tue Nov 30 09:23:25 EST 1999
Contest Date : 28-Nov-99
Callsign Used : K7NV
Operator : K7NV
Default Exchange : 599 03
Name : Kurt Andress
Address : 1581 Shirley St.
City/State/Zip : Minden, NV. 89423
Country : United States
Team/Club : NCCC
Operating Time : 17 hrs
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Countries Zones
160CW 18 18 33 9 10
80CW 62 62 144 21 14
40CW 153 152 416 44 21
20CW 78 78 221 44 21
15CW 92 92 252 44 21
10CW 117 116 313 48 22
Totals 520 518 1379 210 109
Final Score = 439901 points.
Sometimes, adjustments to the Grand Plan are required.
The Grand Plan:
After several months of figuring out what could be done to make the most
out of the situation here, I was all set for a full time SOAB effort.
Took Wednesday off to finish everything up (you know the usual, "that
antenna was working last weekend, but now it's not", stuff).
Ready to sleep in, finish the bandplan, and stock the ice chest on
Phone message Thursday night (after getting home from turkey with the
In-laws) sez show up at work Friday morning to figure out what to do
about a clients emergency.
Starting Friday morning, work for 20 hours, sleep for 4, then work for
12, then.... sit down and make the first contact at 9:00 PM Sat night.
Mostly a S&P effort with my new 2 radio, one amp setup. Not real easy
for the mentally impaired! Managed not to break anything and the new
antannas seemed to work just fine.
Congrat's to all, with the FB scores!
73, Kurt
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