[3830] K6S CQP SOHP

JT jthome at vcr.com
Sun Oct 3 23:49:02 EDT 1999

SOHP San Luis Obispo
1531x57 for a total of 183,255

Had a great time at N6BT's. Thanks to Bonnie, Tom
Operated 20.2 hours - this according to CT
Missed NL mult.
WAS in 6 hours
Due to technical problems amplifier was not used on Sunday. Also did not 
use Amp on 40SSB Sat night.
Best hour was first hour 137 Q's
Lots of South Americans, JA's and Europe. Even a few Africans

Antennas used
C19XR at 25 feet (20-15-10) I think this is 3 elements on 15 and 20 and 5 
elements on 10
2 ele 40M yagi @ 35feet (is that right Tom?) fixed at 70 degs
80m Rotatable Dipole fixed at 70 deg
75m Vertical

Logging Software CT : Performed flawlessly except for multiplier 
checklist is not perfect. and score is wrong. (too many mults)

Highlight: I accidentally burped in the middle of giving an exchange to 
a Czech station.

Thanks to all who participated, another successful CQP in the books. 
Thanks N6TV for County coordination.

Thanks in advance to AD6E and crew for log checking this year!!!!


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