[3830] K6CTA CQP (CW only) Results

EJSDXR at aol.com EJSDXR at aol.com
Tue Oct 5 21:23:02 EDT 1999

My time was limited to about 7 hours due to: 2 soccer games, 3 school
functions (including a 5k run...what a way to start a Sunday morning
during a contest!!)

613 QSO (all CW) X 55 mults = 101145.

Fun as usual. Conditions on Saturday (for the limited time I was on) seemed 
much better than Sunday....Had some nice long runs on both 15 and 20,
which never developed on Sunday. My choice to stay off of SSB was made
easier by a lingering cough which made talking hard to begin with! Another
interesting observation...after last years SS (and CQP) log checking, I made
sure to ask for fills if I wasn't 100% sure. I had very few requests for the 
same, however...it will be interesting to see the results.

A great tuneup for SS...the station performed flawlessly...hardware and 
software (not sure about the operator, however!!). 

Thanks for all of the QSO's. I hope that everyone had fun! See you all in
SS from the (elusive?) SF section!!

Mill Valley, Ca. 
Marin County

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