WA3HAE at aol.com WA3HAE at aol.com
Sun Oct 10 20:35:38 EDT 1999

     Call used: WA3HAE                                        Location: ALL
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: MIXED           Power: 100W
     Callsign of Operator: WA3HAE
     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
     Exchanged Information: WA3HAE nr ALL 
     Hours of Operation: 21:59
     band   CW QSOs    CW pts     Ph QSOs    Ph pts
     160         26        52           3         3
      80        150       300         213       213
      40        171       256.5       305       305
      20         49        73.5       127       127
      15         30        45          16        16
      10          6         9          25        25
     TOTAL      432       736         689       689
     ( 1425 ) QSO points  X  ( 137 ) Multipliers  =  195,225 points
                                W3HA Bonus points =    1,200 points
                                      Total score =  196,425 points
     Club or Team Name: WEEKEND WARRIORS
     Comments: Most Q's ever! Thanks to all for the super weekend.
               The mobiles did an outstanding job this year. Band
               conditions were better on Saturday and still had a
               hard time finding our "left coast" friends. Oh well,
               next year.....
     Equipment: TS850S/AT @ 100W, KT34XA @ 57', 3 EL INV VEE @ 50' ON
                40M, AND 80M DIPOLE @ 55'
     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for
     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to the
     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of the
     contest committee.
     Date_10/10/99 Signature_Keith A. Pederson___________ Call_WA3HAE_____
     Name: KEITH A. PEDERSON               Call: WA3HAE
           132 SHARP RD
           WHITE OAK, PA  15131

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