[3830] KU8E - NA Phone Sprint

Jeff Clarke KU8E at email.msn.com
Sun Sep 12 01:53:51 EDT 1999

                         1999 NCJ NORTH AMERICAN SPRINT
     Call used: KU8E                                           Location: OH
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: SSB             Power: 1500
     Callsign of Operator: KU8E
     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
     Exchanged Information: KU8E nr JEFF OH  
     Hours of Operation: 03:57
     band      QSOs     points
      80         76         76
      40        101        101
      20         64         64
     TOTAL      241        241   X   45 multipliers  =  10,845
     Club or Team Name: Mad River

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