[3830] KI7WX/4 Salmon Run LP

KI7WX at aol.com KI7WX at aol.com
Fri Sep 24 22:25:11 EDT 1999

KI7WX/4 Washington State Salmon Run
Single op all bands both modes
Low power, all wire antennas

Activity seemed low.  K4BAI only other four lander heard pursuing SR 
contacts.  Dissapointed that several stations calling endless CQs on phone 
didn't want to make a quick CW contact on the same band.  80M wire was 
brought down by Floyd so I stuck to 10-40M loading the few wires in the air.

Band        40   20  15  10
ssb           4    16   4    3
cw            8      8   3    4

Score works out to 4674 with the LP bonus.



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