[3830] KE1FO (@K1TTT) MOL Claimed Score

Alfred J. Frugoli KE1FO ke1fo at contesting.com
Sun Sep 26 23:31:32 EDT 1999

Hey Guys,

This is a VERY priliminary score.  Had a BLAST, and almost doubled the score
from last year!


CQ WW RTTY Contest

Call used: KE1FO (@K1TTT)
Location:  MA

Entry Class: Multi Operator, Single Xmit, Low Power

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX  Zones
80        82   121    39    21    11
40       215   418    43    53    18
20       294   639    40    77    27
15       598  1474    37    83    30
10       271   671    25    68    24
Total   1460  3323   184   302   110


Claimed Score: 1980508

Station Description:
	2x FT-1000MP (100 watts)
	2x PK-232MBX
	2x 386 computers running WF1B v4.4

10-	6el rotatable at 120’
4el rotatable at 90’
4el fixed south
4el fixed eu
15-	8el rotatable at 120
4/4/4 fixed eu
4/4 fixed west
4 fixed south
20-	6el rotatable at 150’
4el fixed eu
4el rotatable at 60’
4el fixed south
40-	2el rotatable at 180’
2el fixed eu at 90’
	4 square
80-	4 square
2 element inverted v beam at 145’ fixed NE/SW

Operator List: KE1FO, KT1M, WM1K, N1XS, KE1AK, W0DC, K1TTT

Club Participation: Yankee Clipper Contest Club

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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