Larry Larry
Sun Sep 26 21:28:27 EDT 1999

                         SCANDANAVIAN ACTIVITY CONTEST

     Call used: K7SV                                         Location:VA 

     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power: 

     Callsign of Operator: K7SV

     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:


     Exchanged Information: K7SV RST nr

     Hours of Operation: 08:09

     band      QSOs      points    mults
      80          0           0       0
      40         31          93      18
      20         51          51      25
      15         56          56      25
      10          5           5       5
     TOTAL      143         205      73      SCORE: 14,965

     Club or Team Name: PVRC

     Comments: I didn't think conditions were as good on cw as they were
     phone, but the cw gets through better, so my scores are almost=20
     identical on each mode. I heard one station on 80 and worked five
     on ten - including the same two I worked on ssb - OH2U and LA6YEA.
     See you next year.

    I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for
     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to =
     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of =
     contest committee.

     Date 09/26/1999 Signature Larry Schimelpfenig Call K7SV

     Name: Larry Schimelpfenig             Call: K7SV
           12802 Lee Lake Dr.
           Spotsylvania, VA  22553

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