Ronald Stuy ronaldst at solair1.inter.nl.net
Tue Sep 28 19:38:36 EDT 1999

CQ WW RTTY Contest

Call used: PI4COM
Location:  The Netherlands

Entry Class: Multi Op, Single Xmit

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX  Zones
80       172   346     4    48     7
40       364   863    39    70    23
20       406  1030    40    80    30
15       491  1315    48    71    29
10       218   597    37    52    26
Total   1651  4151   168   321   115


Claimed Score: 2507204

Software: RTTY by WF1B  v4.4f 

Power Output: 400 Watt

3* Yaesu FT990  + 1* Yaesu FT1000
Decoders: 2* DXP38, P38 and PTC1
10 meter: 7 elements @ 24m + vertical
15 meter: 6 elements @ 24m
20 meter: 4 elements @ 24m
40 meter: 3 elements @ 27m
80 meter: vertical + dipole @ 20m
beverages for 80m.

Club Participation: LLCC Low Land Crazy Contesters 

Operators: PA3BWD, PA3EWP, PA4EA, PA5AT, PA5ET and PA7FM

Ronald Stuy (PA3EWP)

Member	: 	PI4COM (Contestgroup Oude Maas)
Homepage:	http://www.muurkrant.com/pi4com/index.html

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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