[3830] W2UP CQWW RTTY single op assisted score

Barry Kutner w2up at mindspring.com
Tue Sep 28 23:46:11 EDT 1999

CQ World-Wide RTTY DX Contest

CALL: W2UP                     Country, State, or VE Area if 
applicable  PA

       Single Op. Assisted (all band only)           

      QSOs Points Zones DX: States Multipliers Score
80m:   117  235    11   31   35
40m:   307  673    22   62   44
20m:   508 1298    30   81   46
15m:   620 1606    32   86   44
10m:   375 1030    25   70   30
Tot:  1927 4842   118  330  199        649     3,142,458 (new world 
record, so far)

Station Description: FT-1000D/Acom 2000A, FT-990/Alpha 77Dx
Antenna(s): 80 - 3 el sloper array
            40 - 2 el Yagi @ 86 ft
         20-10 - Phased TH-7s at 40/76 ft, TH7 at 22 ft (one tower)
Remarks (Biggest thrill in Contest, funniest story, comments, etc.): 
This was my first, full bore, 2 radio effort in RTTY. Don't know how 
I've done without the second radio in the past. No time to watch TV 
or read the newspaper while RTTY contesting any more! Last year I 
did use the second radio, but the antenna was a multi-band 
vertical, and it just didn't perform. I added a third TH-7 to the tower 
2 weeks ago. Despite being at only 22 ft, it worked well! I think my 
76 ft tower is now maxed out with a 2 el 40 and 3 TH7s.

As already said by many, great (high band) condx. I found 40 and, 
especially 80 disappointing, but I think it's because I'm comparing 
it to contests during winter when those bands really shine. I just 
couldn't get any decent runs going there.  I stayed up for EU 
sunrise Friday night, but it really wasn't worth it. I got nervous 
talking to Rick, KI1G, on Saturday night, when he said he would 
stay up for EU sunrise, and I didn't plan to. The band was a little 
better on Saturday. Speaking of breaks I had to take a 2 hour 
break Satuday afternoon to go to an awards presentation with my 
daughter (fortunately, it was during the afternoon doldrums), and 
also took a 30 minute swimming break Sunday afternoon - it was a 
beautiful weekend, and probably the last swimming day of the 
season in these parts. It was very refreshing - the shack was 
getting pretty warm with 2 amps going.

Great to hear the bands open to Asia, and it was a real thrill to 
work JA on 4 bands.  I had to resist the urge to "DX" on 15, and 
kept reminding myself a second 4F1 is the same as another JA or 
3 W6s.  I believe I worked about 30-40 stations on all 5 bands. 
Rates were incredible at times. My best hour was 97 at 1200Z 
Saturday (mostly 15m), and the 4 hour stretch from 1100-1500Z 
produced 350 QSOs! Only negative comment is the number of 
dupes.  I logged 57 dupes, and there were more, but I did not log 
anyone a third time. A big thanks to all the guys that QSYed 
bands for the mults. 

73 Barry W2UP

Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
Newtown, PA         FRC         alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com

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