[3830] IOTA HA1AG SO Mixed 24h

Zoli Pitman HA1AG ha1ag at compuserve.com
Sat Aug 12 12:01:05 EDT 2000

                       ISLANDS ON THE AIR -- 2000

      Call:      HA1AG
      Category:  Single op Mixed 24 hours
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      Mixed
      Country:   Hungary

     BAND      QSO   QSO-PTS   PTS/Q    IOTA

CW     80        3       21      7.0      1
SSB    80        2       30     15.0      2
CW     40       97      831      8.6     36
SSB    40       46      474     10.3     22
CW     20      106      834      7.9     36
SSB    20      395     2613      6.6     81
CW     15      171     1629      9.5     59
SSB    15      380     3756      9.9     92
CW     10       28      300     10.7     13
SSB    10      115     1173     10.2     32

     Totals   1343    11661     8.68    374

                 Score: 4,361,214 points

Sopbox comments: Good SO2R training for WAE. Played by the
                 IARU M/S band and mode change rules in
                 order to force myself to think more about
                 condx and strategy instead of doing 24 h S&P for IOTAs.

                 It was very annoying that IOTA stations ignored
                 the IOTA Ref from their reports. CQ9K and the
                 Scottish operations were the worse in this sense.

                 My thanks goes to HA1DAE and HA1TJ who let
                 me use their super station.

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description: FT1000MP, FT990 + 2x P.A.

Antennas: 80m: none
  40m: 3 ele Yagi
  20m: 6 ele Yagi
  15m: 6 ele Yagi
  10m: 6 ele Yagi

Club Affiliation: HADXC

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature: Zoli Pitman HA1AG (signed)

MAILING ADDRESS: Zoli Pitman, Somogyi Bela ut 18, 
                               Gyor 9024, Hungary

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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