[3830] UA9CDC SOAB

Igor Igor
Thu Aug 17 03:15:21 EDT 2000

                                WAE SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 12-Aug-00, 11-Aug-00, 13-Aug-00

    Callsign Used : UA9CDC
         Operator : UA9CDC

         Category : SOAB

 Default Exchange : 599#

             Name : Igor Sokolov
          Country : Asiatic Russia

        Team/Club : Ural Contest Group

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries

   80CW      209         209        209        33
   40CW      248         248        246        37
   20CW      340         340        340        41
   15CW      269         269        269        35
   10CW       22          22         22        15

 Totals     1088        1088       1086       161

    There were 1087 QTC points.

    Final Score = 923525 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 Poor conditions this year and not enough participants.
 Made 300 QSO less then last year with the same equipment.
 USA and Canada were coming through on 15 and 20 meters
 almost around the clock on Sunday. Pretty tough to operate on the band
 with 4 or 5 very powerful local stations less then 1000 meters away
 Pretty dull calling cq for half an hour with no takers from EU on 80/40
 meters in the end of the test. WAE really needs some adjustment to
 bring back the level of activity  of the past. Or does it seems to me?
 Was the grass greener then?

 Equipment used: IC751a plus home brew linear about 300 W, A3S up 30 meters,
 40m delta loop, 80/160m Sloper from 30 meters high.

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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