[3830] ARRL160 K1TEO SO LP

wa2teo at aol.com wa2teo at aol.com
Mon Dec 4 10:07:28 EST 2000

                     ARRL 160-Meter Contest
Call: K1TEO
Station: K1TEO

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 3

          QSOs  Sections  Countries
Total:     159     36        1      =  11,000+



Still no real 160 ant here - someday! Tried a different vhf ant feedline shield
to load this year and found I could hear and be heard much better than in
previous years. Usually I can just work the big guns, and rarely hear the other
end of q's they're making. This time I could usually hear both ends, and was
able to work another layer of stations. Even got 20 or so answers to cq's and
worked my first dx on 160 (VP5)!Nice to hear so many VHF'ers on 160. Must be
160 is just like operating 432.....CU, Jeff K1TEO

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