ea3ku at arrl.net ea3ku at arrl.net
Fri Dec 8 10:42:13 EST 2000

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - CW
Call: EA6IB
Station: EA6IB

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    244     16     67
   80:    833     29     99
   40:   1307     34    119
   20:   1390     37    145
   15:   1390     38    137
   10:   1457     39    149
Total:   6671    193    716  =  12,236,958



Station :

10 meters : TS950 + TL922  + 5el. up 13 meters.
15 meters : TS870 + SB220  + 5el. up 21 meters.
20 meters : IC765 + AL1200 + 5el. up 16 meters.
40 meters : IC775 + 8877   + 3el. up 18 meters.
80 meters : IC765 + AL1500 + vert. 27 meters base tuning. 
160 meters: FT920 + TL922  + vert. 27 meters top loading.

receving antennas : 1 set EWE's + 2 beverages ( 1 short to USA + 1 normal to

Comments : It was one of the most hard contest for us. After serveral hours
driving and shipping to get EA6 land, we set up wensday the antenna for 80
meters, but due the weather condx the wind broke the antenna, the we re-plan
all the antennas dimmensions for lower bans. Few hours before the contest we
read an cluster announce tha prevents about the solar flare. The propagation
conditions, after read the comments and score's in this reflector, I think
affect a lot some regions of world, specially south EU. Very bad conditions to
USA the first day, we dont work easylly USA in highest bands ( look our
breakdown the saturday EU afternoon/evening and compare it with the same hours
in sunday), the conditions are better the sunday.

Sincelly congratulations to RU1A for his claimed score, I thihk RU1A will beat
our previous EU record.

See every body in next contest's.


Here our breakdown's :


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0    17/23    17/24   193/47     1/0     .....    .....   228/94  228/94 
   1    14/15    21/14   179/14     8/14      .        .     222/57  450/151
   2     1/1    165/12    22/25     5/6       .        .     193/44  643/195
   3     5/5    123/7      4/3     10/12      .        .     142/27  785/222
   4     7/8    128/8      1/1      2/2       .        .     138/19  923/241
   5     3/4     59/6     93/5       .        .        .     155/15 1078/256
   6     3/5      8/8    122/10     5/7      4/4      1/2    143/36 1221/292
   7     2/2       .       3/4      3/5      6/11   108/28   122/50 1343/342
   8    .....    .....    .....    11/13   135/39    36/21   182/73 1525/415
   9      .        .        .       8/8    184/17    12/14   204/39 1729/454
  10      .        .        .       3/4    150/10    17/20   170/34 1899/488
  11      .        .        .      10/10    79/7     66/17   155/34 2054/522
  12      .        .        .       8/11     7/9    115/12   130/32 2184/554
  13      .        .        .       7/9      8/8    128/6    143/23 2327/577
  14      .        .        .       8/7      9/9     97/6    114/22 2441/599
  15      .        .        .     113/5      8/6     22/11   143/22 2584/621
  16    .....     2/4      4/5    178/9      4/5      7/8    195/31 2779/652
  17      .        .       1/2     58/14    99/7      6/4    164/27 2943/679
  18     1/0       .       7/10   132/4      6/5       .     146/19 3089/698
  19     1/1     26/2     51/8     18/3      2/3       .      98/17 3187/715
  20    76/4     30/5      5/4       .        .        .     111/13 3298/728
  21    59/2      1/1     53/0      7/7       .        .     120/10 3418/738
  22     2/2     39/1     88/0      6/5      2/2       .     137/10 3555/748
  23     2/2     40/5      1/0     35/4       .        .      78/11 3633/759
   0    .....     1/2      2/2    145/1     .....    .....   148/5  3781/764
   1     2/4      2/1      4/1     79/1      1/0       .      88/7  3869/771
   2     1/1      1/1    150/1       .        .        .     152/3  4021/774
   3      .       1/1    153/1      2/1       .        .     156/3  4177/777
   4    24/1       .      90/1      2/1       .        .     116/3  4293/780
   5    21/0     91/3       .       3/3       .        .     115/6  4408/786
   6      .      27/4     62/1      1/1       .       4/5     94/11 4502/797
   7      .        .      18/0      1/1     13/6     75/3    107/10 4609/807
   8    .....    .....    .....     1/1     67/7     50/3    118/11 4727/818
   9      .        .        .      61/1     19/0     17/4     97/5  4824/823
  10      .        .        .        .      26/4     98/2    124/6  4948/829
  11      .        .        .        .      70/2     44/4    114/6  5062/835
  12      .        .        .      54/0      1/1     34/2     89/3  5151/838
  13      .        .        .      28/1       .      77/4    105/5  5256/843
  14      .        .       1/0     47/0     69/1      2/2    119/3  5375/846
  15      .        .        .        .     105/1       .     105/1  5480/847
  16    .....    .....     1/1     .....     3/1    174/0    178/2  5658/849
  17      .        .       2/2      2/2       .     162/1    166/5  5824/854
  18     1/1      2/2       .       3/4     22/4    107/6    135/17 5959/871
  19      .       2/3       .       2/1    180/0       .     184/4  6143/875
  20      .       3/4      2/2     43/0    119/0       .     167/6  6310/881
  21     1/1       .       1/2    107/0      4/4      1/1    114/8  6424/889
  22      .      48/7      1/0     53/3      3/2      2/2    107/14 6531/903
  23     4/1      3/3      1/1    132/1       .        .     140/6  6671/909
DAY1   193/74   659/97  827/138  636/159  703/142  615/149    ..... 3633/759
DAY2    54/9    181/31   488/15   766/23   702/33   847/39      .   3038/150
TOT    247/83  840/128 1315/153 1402/182 1405/175 1462/188      .   6671/909
BREAKDOWN in mins/QSO's per hr  EA6IB  CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  Multi Single

HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT   CUM TOT 

   0    3/371    5/198   52/222    0/514   .....    .....    60/227   60/227
   1    3/260    6/211   49/217    1/356     .        .      60/222  120/225
   2    0/164   54/184    5/291    1/225     .        .      60/193  180/214
   3    1/261   54/136    1/189    3/173     .        .      60/142  240/196
   4    2/247   56/138    0/189    2/53      .        .      60/138  300/185
   5    4/50    27/133   30/186     .        .        .      60/154  360/180
   6    1/292    3/176   52/142    1/290    3/74     1/97    60/143  420/174
   7    1/176     .       1/240    5/38     3/133   51/127   60/122  480/168
   8   .....    .....    .....     3/215   41/196   16/139   60/182  540/169
   9     .        .        .       3/173   55/200    2/396   60/204  600/173
  10     .        .        .       2/84    55/164    3/333   60/170  660/173
  11     .        .        .       2/245   30/156   27/146   60/155  720/171
  12     .        .        .       4/119    3/141   53/130   60/130  780/168
  13     .        .        .       3/129    2/203   54/141   60/143  840/166
  14     .        .        .       2/200   11/49    48/122   61/112  901/163
  15     .        .        .      35/192    6/76    17/77    59/146  960/161
  16   .....     1/240    1/465   57/187    1/218    1/427   60/194 1020/163
  17     .        .       1/116   19/185   39/151    2/220   60/163 1080/163
  18    1/106     .       1/413   57/140    2/210     .      60/146 1140/163
  19    0/277   13/121   24/129   11/95     1/94      .      49/119 1190/161
  20   40/114   17/103    3/115     .        .        .      60/111 1250/158
  21   31/113    1/68    25/127    3/158     .        .      60/120 1309/157
  22    0/267   20/120   37/142    3/140    0/267     .      60/136 1370/156
  23    2/51    39/61    0/1200   18/115     .        .      60/78  1429/152
   0   .....     1/75     0/480   59/148   .....    .....    60/148 1489/152
   1    0/300    2/53     1/182   55/86     1/46      .      60/88  1550/150
   2    1/57     0/900   59/153     .        .        .      60/152 1610/150
   3     .       0/300   60/154    1/240     .        .      60/155 1670/150
   4   14/102     .      46/118    0/554     .        .      60/116 1730/149
   5   15/84    44/125     .       1/225     .        .      60/116 1789/148
   6     .      21/78    36/104    2/40      .       2/127   60/94  1849/146
   7     .        .      11/95     0/720    6/123   42/107   60/107 1909/145
   8   .....    .....    .....     0/450   34/118   26/116   60/118 1969/144
   9     .        .        .      31/118   16/70    13/80    60/97  2030/143
  10     .        .        .        .      16/95    44/134   60/123 2090/142
  11     .        .        .        .      32/132   28/96    59/115 2149/141
  12     .        .        .      36/91     2/38    23/89    60/89  2210/140
  13     .        .        .      18/96      .      43/107   61/104 2270/139
  14     .        .       1/113   23/124   35/118    1/95    60/120 2330/138
  15     .        .        .        .      60/105     .      60/105 2389/138
  16   .....    .....     1/95    .....     5/33    54/194   60/178 2449/139
  17     .        .       1/218    1/157     .      59/166   60/166 2510/139
  18    0/600    1/180     .       4/49     7/176   48/133   60/135 2570/139
  19     .       1/200     .       1/225   59/183     .      60/184 2630/140
  20     .       0/432    0/267   18/145   41/172     .      60/167 2690/141
  21    0/144     .       1/42    57/112    1/351    0/600   60/114 2750/140
  22     .      37/78     1/82    20/162    1/196    2/75    60/107 2810/139
  23    1/343    2/82     0/900   57/140     .        .      59/141 2869/140
DAY1  1.5/130  4.9/134  4.7/177  3.9/161  4.2/166  4.6/135   .....  23.8/152
DAY2  0.5/102  1.8/100  3.6/135  6.3/121  5.3/133  6.4/132     .    24.0/127
TOT   2.0/123  6.7/125  8.3/158 10.3/136  9.5/147 11.0/133     .    47.8/140
BREAKDOWN in kilo-points by hr  EA6IB  CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  Multi Single

HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT   CUM TOT 

   0    206      230      518        0     .....    .....     954      954  
   1    115      104      289      146       .        .       653     1607  
   2      7      221      213       59       .        .       501     2107  
   3     37      146       23      113       .        .       319     2427  
   4     66      168        8       23       .        .       264     2691  
   5     37       84      138       .        .        .       259     2949  
   6     58       68      222       73       44       22      488     3437  
   7     14       .        37       49      116      350      567     4004  
   8   .....    .....    .....     109      403      215      726     4730  
   9     .        .        .        66      260      129      454     5184  
  10     .        .        .        38      196      173      406     5591  
  11     .        .        .        72      129      199      400     5990  
  12     .        .        .       101       81      182      363     6354  
  13     .        .        .        86       70      187      343     6696  
  14     .        .        .        62       79      154      296     6992  
  15     .        .        .       120       54       97      270     7262  
  16   .....      43       52      179       46       75      395     7657  
  17     .        .        21      154      186       31      392     8049  
  18      0       .       102      112       40       .       254     8304  
  19      8       34      103       40       30       .       214     8518  
  20     75       69       31       .        .        .       175     8693  
  21     43        8       34       57       .        .       142     8835  
  22     22       31       62       47       16       .       178     9013  
  23     16       67        0       87       .        .       170     9183  
   0   .....      22       22      202     .....    .....     245     9428  
   1     43        7       10      114        0       .       175     9603  
   2      8        8      164       .        .        .       181     9784  
   3     .         8      190        8       .        .       206     9990  
   4     17       .       104        8       .        .       129    10119  
   5     10       98       .        23       .        .       132    10251  
   6     .        52       74        8       .        46      180    10431  
   7     .        .        16        7       63      106      192    10622  
   8   .....    .....    .....       7       94       65      166    10788  
   9     .        .        .        38       10       42       90    10878  
  10     .        .        .        .        46       70      116    10994  
  11     .        .        .        .        72       55      127    11121  
  12     .        .        .        41        8       41       90    11211  
  13     .        .        .        29       .       101      130    11342  
  14     .        .         0       34       55       23      112    11454  
  15     .        .        .        .        87       .        87    11541  
  16   .....    .....       8     .....       9      214      230    11772  
  17     .        .        15       15       .       213      244    12015  
  18      7       22       .        38       60      192      319    12334  
  19     .        29       .         8      240       .       277    12611  
  20     .        38       16       58      160       .       272    12883  
  21      8       .        22      138       38        8      213    13096  
  22     .        86        0       97       16       16      215    13312  
  23      9       29        7      180       .        .       224    13536  
DAY1    703     1272     1854     1792     1748     1815     .....    9183  
DAY2    102      397      649     1054      959     1192       .      4353  
TOT     805     1669     2503     2846     2707     3006       .     13536  

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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