[3830] ARRL10 N2IX @ W2RE M/S HP

W2RE at bestweb.net W2RE at bestweb.net
Mon Dec 11 19:04:57 EST 2000

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: N2IX @ W2RE
Operator(s): N2IX, W2RE, N2IW
Station: W2RE

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 34.5

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:   1188    143
  SSB:   1257    147
Total:   2445    290  =  2,108,300

Club: Hudson Valley Contesters and Dx'ers


10m is lots of fun. WX0B stack match worked well as usual. TH7DXS @ 70ft
rotatable, 5el Monobander @ 40ft fixed on EU. TH6 @ 30ft fixed south. All 3 
antennas feed into the stack match. FT1000mp and AL-1500. N2IX and N2IW did 
CW and W2RE on SSB. CU all in ARRLDX.
Merry X-mas, Happy New Year.
73, W2RE

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