[3830] ARRL-160-2000 HA5JI SOHP

KádárViktor kviktor at elender.hu
Sun Dec 17 19:11:40 EST 2000

                     ARRL 160 METER CONTEST -- 2000

      Call:      HA5JI
      Category:  Single Operator
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      Mono 160
      Mode:      CW
      Country:   Hungary


     Totals     16      32     2.00         12          0    =   384

     The LOG :

     2-Dec-00  0317      1   1800  W8JI         599 GA        GA      2
     2-Dec-00  0321      2   1800  W8VE         599 OH        OH      2
     3-Dec-00  0216      3   1800  WW2Y         599 SNJ       SNJ     2
     3-Dec-00  0218      4   1800  AA1K         599 DE        DE      2
     3-Dec-00  0248      5   1800  W4MYA        599 VA        VA      2
     3-Dec-00  0254      6   1800  K4MA         599 NC        NC      2
     3-Dec-00  0310      7   1800  N2RM         599 SNJ               2
     3-Dec-00  0407      8   1800  K5NA         599 STX       STX     2
     3-Dec-00  0408      9   1800  N4AF         599 NC                2
     3-Dec-00  0414     10   1800  N5FG         599 MS        MS      2

     3-Dec-00  0417     11   1800  K5GO         599 ARK       AR      2
     3-Dec-00  0420     12   1800  W3UR         599 MD        MDC     2
     3-Dec-00  0434     13   1800  K4EA         599 GA                2
     3-Dec-00  0449     14   1800  K5RX         599 NTX       NTX     2
     3-Dec-00  0450     15   1800  WA4TT        599 GA                2
     3-Dec-00  0520     16   1800  AA4V         599 SC        SC      2

     First night I've been trying to work with an Inverted Vee but I've
made only 2 QSOs.
     Due my poor ant and bad condx I have heard few other stations with
     Next day I made a Delta Loop antenna (6 hours of hard work) wich
was much better (perhaps
     condx improved up too).
     I have heard 599 on AA4V and WA4TT, 589 on W8JI.
     W4MYA, AA1K AND W3UR were never stronger than 449.
     All others were 559.
     I have heard 2-3 other stations what I was not able to work.

     This is the result of abt 10 hours of contesting.

     73, Gyuri  HA5JI & HG5J   ha5ji at matavnet.hu

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