[3830] 8P9DX - CQ WW CW 160

barbados va3dx at sympatico.ca
Tue Feb 1 21:05:12 EST 2000


After much success last year., I was disappointed to hear all the qrn
during the test this year. Static crashes throughout Friday and Saturday

night; meant a high qso total this year, was not meant to be.
Last year no Mississippi, this year 4 called..but where was Kansas ??
As per normal I missed Idaho, and N/S Dakota. Great to have a
ZL/VK opening and congrats on V73CW on his huge signal here at
Worst experiance was trying to pull the USA beverage thru a field of 8
high cotton., it makes sugar cane a cakewalk. See you again next year...

Thanks to all to all who called , now back to the beach and the
Rum Punch...

Qsos    751   DX   54    VE/USA    52    Points= 510,602

ps-  19.2 hrs of operation-sunrise comes to early here !!  ( 10:20 gmt )

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