[3830] CQ160 CW K1KY SOLP

k1ky at bellsouth.net k1ky at bellsouth.net
Tue Feb 1 20:22:23 EST 2000

                     CQ 160 Meter Contest, CW
Call: K1KY
Operator(s): K1KY
Station: K1KY

Class: SOLP
Operating Time (hrs): 31:05


QSOs: 664  States/Provinces: 56  Countries: 13  Score: 102603



Looks like I came up a little short of last year's effort. Lots of EU DX heard
-- Especially on Saturday night, but very few were able to hear me. Big
highlight was working VK with ease Saturday morning, Thanks Steve! Light bulb
power half-way across the world -- simply amazing to me for 160m.

Was able to get WAS + DC sans KL7, so I was pleased with that. Put in a lot
more hours for fewer Q's & points.  Was 102 q's ahead of my previous year
effort at the end of the first day of operation. 

73, Tom - K1KY

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