[3830] CQ 160 CW - WP2Z

K7bv at aol.com K7bv at aol.com
Sat Feb 5 01:53:05 EST 2000

CQ 160 METER CONTEST -- 20000
Call: WP2Z                     Op: K7BV
Country: US Virgin Is.     Mode: CW     Category: Single Operator

Totals     53        302             23           13          =   10,872

Comments: Worked the week before the contest repairing hurricane antenna 
damage at this fabulous station. Ignored the 160 trap dipole that was looped 
around the tan-tan trees and hillside weeds - I had plans for a 160 balloon 
supported vertical all figured out. I filled the balloon Friday afternoon. An 
hour before the contest started, the winds at the top of the 1000' mountain 
suddenly ripped the fill value out of the body of the balloon...bringing an 
end to some great 160 meter contest fantasies.  

I heard a big signal coming out of KV4FZ and the trap dipole wire never did 
load right so I made what few Qs I could and then went to other hunting 
grounds to feed my Pileup Piggy need for "rate."  Conditions the second night 
were much better than first with great signals out of EU at their sunrise.
73 Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV

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