[3830] Dead Lizards CAN Talk

K9PG at aol.com K9PG at aol.com
Tue Feb 8 22:10:42 EST 2000

Here is our team score.  Does anyone know what the record team score is?

K9XD (k9pg) 357 x 58 =  20,706
K3CR            330 X 55 =  18,150
WE9V            334 X 53 =  17,702
W9RE            346 X 50 =  17,300
AG9A            320 x 52 =  16,640
K9NW            316 X 52 =  16,432
N9RV            312 X 51 =  15,912
KA9FOX      302 X 52 =  15,704
K9ZO            296 x 52 =   15,392
K8DX            300 X 51 =  15,300

            Total  =            169,238

Great effort by the entire team, especially K9ZO.   He guest oped at NO9Z 
(his radios are in the shop) and realized that not only did ne not have any 
logging software, he didn't even have any log sheets!    So he had to use 
pencil and notebook paper and manually #d just under 300 QSOs!   That's what 
I call team dedication!

There is going to be lots of activity on 40 meters at the start of the CW 
sprint!  Lots of W1s, 2s and 3s as well as 8s, 9s and 0s will be spending the 
first 15 minutes or so there.   Sure can't argue with the fact that it worked 
out for SSB!  I'm sure it'll work just as well for CW.  Give it a try and see 
how it works!


Paul  K9PG

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