[3830] UP5P WPX RTTY 2000 contest Score

Roman Loparev un5pr at mail.kz
Wed Feb 16 08:52:08 EST 2000


Call used: UP5P (Op. UN5PR)
Location:  Kazakhstan, Central Asia

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band

Band    QSOs   Pts  Mults
80        87   506      -
40       130   740      -
20       260   740      -
15       364  1025      -
10       405  1159      -
-----   ----  ----  ----
Total   1246  4170   439

Prefixes counted only once (not once per band)

Most frequently worked prefix: OK2 - 36 QSO's


Claimed Score: 1830630      (New Asian Record - I hope)

Rest periods:
12 Feb    03.00z - 05.06z
          15.19z - 20.00z
          23.10z - 03.20z
13 Feb    05.32z - 07.00z
          15.20z - 21.10z

Propagation was very bad to USA. First day was solar storm and K index
was 7, North was closed. Second day A index was 52 and very poor
propagation to North America. Missed many multipliers from USA.
Propagation can`t allow me make 2 million points. But was good
activity from Europe. Thanks to P40K, HC8N, KP2D, FM5CD, CT3BX for new
countries on 10m RTTY and VP2V/W8JAY for new one on 20m. See you in
BARTG Spring Contest.

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
established for amateur radio in my country. My report is correct
and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the
decisions of the Awards Committee."

Date ___/___/___  Signature ____________________________Call __________

e-mail:  un5pr at mail.kz
         un5pr at mail.ru

Romeo Y. Loparev
P.O.Box 73
Temirtau  472300
Rep. of Kazakhstan  

Romeo UN5PR / UP5P        mailto:un5pr at mail.kz

RTTY forever

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