aosman at home.com aosman at home.com
Sun Feb 20 20:04:19 EST 2000

                     ARRL DX Contest - CW
Call: VE3RZ
Operator(s): VE3RZ
Station: VE3RZ

Class: SOAB Ast
Operating Time (hrs): 34

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:      0      0
   80:      0      0
   40:    130     60
   20:    176     71
   15:    263     72
   10:    327     78
Total:    896    281  =  755,328


Equip: TS850S/AT 100w.  Antenna: Cushcraft R7000. Software: Writelog 10.14E

What a blast!  Had built up kitchen pass so was able to handle full weekend. 
Missed having low band antennas but amazed at what 100w to a vertical can bring
when conditions are good.  Saturday was fantastic on 40 through 10m.  Sunday
seemed to be a little less so, but JA opening on 10m was better here than

Thanks to all who heard the peanut signal.  Never cease to be amazed at how
some operators can hear through walls of qrm.  Best moments were catching VP6BR
and V7G on 40m and getting SU9ZZ.  Seemed to have worked ZD8Z on 40 through 10
in no time at all!  

Interesting to see the increased activity from some of the carribean islands
especially St Kitts and Grenada.

73 & cu in the next one!

Tony, VE3RZ

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
VE3RZ        896  281   755,328SOAB Ast    

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