[3830] KQ2M 2000 ARRLCW SOABHP Unassisted Unbeveraged

Robert L. Shohet kq2m at mags.net
Tue Feb 22 21:18:27 EST 2000

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 2000 (CT said 1980)

      Call: KQ2M                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: SOABHP Unassisted Unbeveraged
                                               46.1 hours

      160       29       87   3.0       23
       80      175      525   3.0       57
       40      753     2259   3.0       81
       20     1085     3255   3.0       90
       15      906     2718   3.0       89
       10     1444     4332   3.0       89
     Totals   4392    13176   3.0      429  =   5,652,504
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
FT1000MP & Titan - Both stations (SO2R)

10 5/5/5/5 @ 22'/45'/70'/100'  105-CA's with bottom 3 Fixed NE & Top rotatable
15 5/5/5/5 @ 30'/60'/90'/109'  115-CA's with bottom 3 Fixed NE & Top rotatable
20 4/4     @ 40'/130'  20-4cd's with bottom fixed NE and Top rotatable
40 3L wire beam Fixed NE @ 50' and 40-2cd Fixed NE at 120'
80  KQ2M design Inv. L 4-square
160 KQ2M design Phased Inv-L's

None (underneath snow and ice)


This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               ROBERT L. SHOHET  KQ2M
               51 SCUDDER ROAD       
               NEWTOWN, CT 06470

Just amazing to me that despite the scores we had, conditions actually could 
have been better!  LOTS OF FUN! (and lots of hard work!).  Congrats to K3WW,
N2IC, NT1N and others for great scores.  It was nice to see the score gaps 
between the East and West and high and low power stations narrow as the 
ionosphere "shared the wealth" with all.  Tnx for the q's!


Bob KQ2M


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0    .....    .....   155/33    .....    .....    .....   155/33  155/33 
   1      .        .      76/10     4/4       .        .      80/14  235/47 
   2      .        .        .      15/11    71/11      .      86/22  321/69 
   3     1/1     30/15    17/0     12/10      .        .      60/26  381/95 
   4      .      33/16    60/2      1/0       .        .      94/18  475/113
   5     4/4      2/1     27/1     65/7       .        .      98/13  573/126
   6      .        .        .     157/16      .        .     157/16  730/142
   7      .        .        .     134/7       .        .     134/7   864/149
   8    .....    .....    35/10    65/1     .....    .....   100/11  964/160
   9     3/2      8/4     45/3      3/2       .        .      59/11 1023/171
  10      .       1/1      6/5    100/6       .        .     107/12 1130/183
  11     2/2      1/0      2/2     13/0    167/36      .     185/40 1315/223
  12      .        .        .        .      21/1    168/34   189/35 1504/258
  13      .        .        .        .       1/1    159/8    160/9  1664/267
  14      .        .        .        .        .     140/8    140/8  1804/275
  15      .        .        .        .       4/0    111/1    115/1  1919/276
  16    .....    .....    .....    .....     9/5    103/1    112/6  2031/282
  17      .        .        .       2/2     37/7     54/5     93/14 2124/296
  18      .        .        .        .      94/2     16/12   110/14 2234/310
  19      .        .        .        .      13/2     51/5     64/7  2298/317
  20      .        .        .      15/0     36/4     13/5     64/9  2362/326
  21      .        .        .     115/3       .        .     115/3  2477/329
  22      .        .        .      71/4     14/4      1/1     86/9  2563/338
  23      .        .        .      16/5       .      88/2    104/7  2667/345
   0    .....    .....     1/1      7/4     .....    89/1     97/6  2764/351
   1      .        .      22/0       .       1/0     38/0     61/0  2825/351
   2     2/2       .      47/3       .        .        .      49/5  2874/356
   3     8/7     24/5      6/1      1/1       .        .      39/14 2913/370
   4     9/5     24/6     21/0       .        .        .      54/11 2967/381
   5      .       6/0      6/4     46/2       .        .      58/6  3025/387
   6      .      31/3     12/1     15/0       .        .      58/4  3083/391
   7      .        .      54/1     25/0       .        .      79/1  3162/392
   8    .....     4/2     24/0     .....    .....    .....    28/2  3190/394
   9      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3190/394
  10      .       1/1      2/0     40/1       .        .      43/2  3233/396
  11      .        .        .      33/0    108/6       .     141/6  3374/402
  12      .        .        .       3/2    115/3       .     118/5  3492/407
  13      .        .        .        .        .     128/1    128/1  3620/408
  14      .        .        .       2/0      1/0     99/0    102/0  3722/408
  15      .        .        .        .       5/0     80/0     85/0  3807/408
  16    .....    .....    .....    .....    13/1     66/0     79/1  3886/409
  17      .        .        .        .      37/3     30/1     67/4  3953/413
  18      .        .        .        .      79/1      4/2     83/3  4036/416
  19      .        .        .       1/1     67/0      6/2     74/3  4110/419
  20      .        .        .      72/0      6/2       .      78/2  4188/421
  21      .        .      15/1     52/1      4/0       .      71/2  4259/423
  22      .        .      94/2       .       2/0       .      96/2  4355/425
  23      .      10/3     26/1       .       1/0       .      37/4  4392/429
DAY1    10/9     75/37   423/66   788/78   467/73   904/82    ..... 2667/345
DAY2    19/14   100/20   330/15   297/12   439/16   540/7       .   1725/84 
TOT     29/23   175/57   753/81  1085/90   906/89  1444/89      .   4392/429
Single Operator

HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT   CUM TOT 

   0   .....    .....    60/155   .....    .....    .....    60/155   60/155
   1     .        .      57/80     3/71      .        .      60/79   121/117
   2     .        .        .      12/77    48/89      .      60/87   180/107
   3    1/116   30/59    16/65    13/54      .        .      60/60   240/95 
   4     .      24/84    37/98     1/106     .        .      61/92   301/95 
   5    3/92     2/77    30/54    25/155     .        .      59/99   360/95 
   6     .        .        .      60/158     .        .      60/158  420/104
   7     .        .        .      60/134     .        .      60/134  480/108
   8   .....    .....    21/100   39/100   .....    .....    60/100  540/107
   9    4/40     8/61    47/57     4/51      .        .      63/56   603/102
  10     .       3/19    13/28    42/145     .        .      58/112  661/103
  11    2/67     1/50     2/77     6/133   49/204     .      60/186  720/110
  12     .        .        .        .       8/152   52/195   60/189  780/116
  13     .        .        .        .       0/360   60/159   60/160  840/119
  14     .        .        .        .        .      60/140   60/140  900/120
  15     .        .        .        .       1/171   59/114   60/115  960/120
  16   .....    .....    .....    .....     4/123   56/111   60/112 1020/119
  17     .        .        .       2/78    26/86    33/99    60/93  1080/118
  18     .        .        .        .      52/108    8/121   60/110 1141/118
  19     .        .        .        .      11/69    48/63    60/64  1200/115
  20     .        .        .      10/88    38/57    13/62    61/63  1261/112
  21     .        .        .      60/115     .        .      60/115 1321/113
  22     .        .        .      47/91    12/71     1/72    59/87  1380/111
  23     .        .        .      17/56      .      45/119   62/101 1442/111
   0   .....    .....     1/100    4/107   .....    54/98    59/99  1500/111
   1     .        .      21/64     3/0      4/14    32/72    60/61  1560/109
   2    9/14     2/0     52/54      .        .        .      62/47  1623/106
   3   18/26    25/58    13/28     1/40      .        .      57/41  1680/104
   4   19/28    25/58    17/76      .        .        .      61/53  1741/102
   5     .      12/29    11/34    37/75      .        .      60/58  1800/101
   6     .      33/56    14/51    13/71      .        .      60/58  1860/99 
   7     .        .      36/89    24/63      .        .      60/79  1920/99 
   8   .....     2/111   24/59    .....    .....    .....    26/63  1947/98 
   9     .        .        .        .        .        .        .    1947/98 
  10     .       2/28    10/12    28/85      .        .      41/64  1988/98 
  11     .        .        .      17/115   43/152     .      60/141 2047/99 
  12     .        .        .       2/99    60/115     .      62/115 2109/99 
  13     .        .        .        .        .      58/132   58/132 2167/100
  14     .        .        .       1/91     1/95    58/102   60/102 2227/100
  15     .        .        .        .       1/209   58/82    60/85  2287/100
  16   .....    .....    .....    .....    13/59    47/84    60/79  2347/99 
  17     .        .        .        .      25/90    36/50    60/67  2408/99 
  18     .        .        .        .      57/84     4/68    60/83  2468/98 
  19     .        .        .       1/106   52/78     8/44    61/73  2528/98 
  20     .        .        .      48/90    11/32      .      59/79  2588/97 
  21     .        .      14/65    42/74     6/41      .      62/69  2650/96 
  22     .        .      58/98      .       1/89      .      59/98  2708/96 
  23     .      21/29    36/44      .       1/44      .      58/38  2767/95 
DAY1  0.2/64   1.1/66   4.7/90   6.7/118  4.2/112  7.2/125   .....  24.0/111
DAY2  0.8/25   2.0/49   5.1/65   3.7/81   4.6/96   5.9/91      .    22.1/78 
TOT   0.9/31   3.2/55   9.8/77  10.3/105  8.7/104 13.1/110     .    46.1/95 

HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT   CUM TOT 

   0   .....    .....     317     .....    .....    .....     317      317  
   1     .        .       115       29       .        .       144      461  
   2     .        .        .        82      118       .       200      661  
   3      7      118       11       74       .        .       210      871  
   4     .       127       52        1       .        .       179     1050  
   5     29        8       24       88       .        .       149     1199  
   6     .        .        .       206       .        .       206     1405  
   7     .        .        .       132       .        .       132     1538  
   8   .....    .....      88       48     .....    .....     137     1674  
   9     15       32       49       15       .        .       110     1785  
  10     .         7       37      104       .        .       148     1933  
  11     14        1       14        8      345       .       383     2315  
  12     .        .        .        .        20      332      352     2668  
  13     .        .        .        .         7      155      162     2830  
  14     .        .        .        .        .       143      143     2973  
  15     .        .        .        .         3       78       81     3053  
  16   .....    .....    .....    .....      39       73      112     3165  
  17     .        .        .        14       70       68      152     3317  
  18     .        .        .        .        74       89      163     3480  
  19     .        .        .        .        22       66       87     3567  
  20     .        .        .        10       50       41      100     3668  
  21     .        .        .        94       .        .        94     3761  
  22     .        .        .        72       35        7      115     3876  
  23     .        .        .        43       .        70      113     3989  
   0   .....    .....       7       31     .....      64      102     4091  
   1     .        .        14        0        1       24       39     4130  
   2     14        0       50       .        .        .        64     4195  
   3     51       48       10        7       .        .       117     4312  
   4     39       55       14       .        .        .       107     4419  
   5     .         4       30       43       .        .        77     4496  
   6     .        40       14       10       .        .        64     4560  
   7     .        .        41       16       .        .        57     4617  
   8   .....      16       15     .....    .....    .....      31     4648  
   9     .        .        .        .        .        .        .      4648  
  10     .         7        1       32       .        .        41     4689  
  11     .        .        .        21      109       .       130     4820  
  12     .        .        .        15       94       .       109     4928  
  13     .        .        .        .        .        89       89     5017  
  14     .        .        .         1        1       64       66     5083  
  15     .        .        .        .         3       51       55     5138  
  16   .....    .....    .....    .....      15       42       57     5195  
  17     .        .        .        .        44       26       69     5265  
  18     .        .        .        .        57       16       73     5338  
  19     .        .        .         7       43       17       67     5405  
  20     .        .        .        46       17       .        63     5469  
  21     .        .        16       40        3       .        59     5527  
  22     .        .        74       .         1       .        75     5602  
  23     .        26       23       .         1       .        50     5653  
DAY1     66      292      707     1021      781     1122     .....    3989  
DAY2    104      196      311      270      388      394       .      1663  
TOT     170      488     1018     1291     1169     1516       .      5653  

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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