[3830] ARRLDX CW LA8W Multi-Two
la8w at qsl.net
la8w at qsl.net
Tue Feb 22 05:59:53 EST 2000
ARRL DX Contest - CW
Call: LA8W
Operator(s): LA3BO LA4DCA LA8SDA LA9HW
Station: LA8W
Class: Multi-Two
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Mults
160: 0 0
80: 92 28
40: 688 53
20: 1048 57
15: 1113 57
10: 1042 55
Total: 3983 250 = 2 987 250
Great contest again. First time M/2 for us, and it was fun.
Last season from this QTH as we have problems with the landlord.
We're already looking for a new place to stay, but it's hard to find a good
Included the breakdown for you to see our high and lows.
73 Bjorn/LA4DCA
Please visit
HOUR 160 80 40 20 15 10 HR TOT CUM TOT
0 ..... ..... 30/16 79/30 ..... ..... 109/46 109/46
1 . 6/3 21/4 90/8 . . 117/15 226/61
2 . 1/0 53/7 49/6 . . 103/13 329/74
3 . 1/0 73/6 15/1 . . 89/7 418/81
4 . . 72/7 . . . 72/7 490/88
5 . 8/7 91/4 . . . 99/11 589/99
6 . 44/12 37/2 . . . 81/14 670/113
7 . 18/4 56/3 5/1 . . 79/8 749/121
8 ..... ..... 23/0 19/2 ..... ..... 42/2 791/123
9 . . . 12/1 2/2 . 14/3 805/126
10 . . . 15/0 7/6 . 22/6 827/132
11 . . . 13/1 24/5 . 37/6 864/138
12 . . . 1/0 48/14 26/13 75/27 939/165
13 . . . . 60/10 76/18 136/28 1075/193
14 . . . . 78/6 93/6 171/12 1246/205
15 . . . . 104/4 78/3 182/7 1428/212
16 ..... ..... ..... ..... 72/3 100/11 172/14 1600/226
17 . . . . 85/1 109/2 194/3 1794/229
18 . . . . 99/4 84/2 183/6 1977/235
19 . . . 22/2 67/1 38/0 127/3 2104/238
20 . . . 85/0 39/1 . 124/1 2228/239
21 . . . 88/1 6/0 . 94/1 2322/240
22 . . 16/2 43/1 . . 59/3 2381/243
23 . . 29/0 42/0 . . 71/0 2452/243
0 ..... ..... 8/0 50/2 ..... ..... 58/2 2510/245
1 . . . 62/0 . . 62/0 2572/245
2 . . 39/1 67/0 . . 106/1 2678/246
3 . . 25/0 74/0 . . 99/0 2777/246
4 . . 26/1 22/1 . . 48/2 2825/248
5 . 5/0 19/0 1/0 . . 25/0 2850/248
6 . 8/2 17/0 . . . 25/2 2875/250
7 . 1/0 8/0 6/0 . . 15/0 2890/250
8 ..... ..... 2/0 2/0 ..... ..... 4/0 2894/250
9 . . 1/0 4/0 . . 5/0 2899/250
10 . . . 8/0 1/0 . 9/0 2908/250
11 . . . 9/0 6/0 . 15/0 2923/250
12 . . . . 4/0 19/0 23/0 2946/250
13 . . . . 29/0 40/0 69/0 3015/250
14 . . . . 45/0 67/0 112/0 3127/250
15 . . . . 62/0 73/0 135/0 3262/250
16 ..... ..... ..... ..... 46/0 97/0 143/0 3405/250
17 . . . . 52/0 89/0 141/0 3546/250
18 . . . . 54/0 50/0 104/0 3650/250
19 . . . 46/0 62/0 3/0 111/0 3761/250
20 . . . 52/0 53/0 . 105/0 3866/250
21 . . 4/0 41/0 8/0 . 53/0 3919/250
22 . . 17/0 16/0 . . 33/0 3952/250
23 . . 21/0 10/0 . . 31/0 3983/250
DAY1 ..... 78/26 501/51 578/54 691/57 604/55 ..... 2452/243
DAY2 . 14/2 187/2 470/3 422/0 438/0 . 1531/7
TOT . 92/28 688/53 1048/57 1113/57 1042/55 . 3983/250
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
LA8W 3983 250 2 987 250Multi-Two
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
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