[3830] ARRL DX CW - VE5SF - SO, AB, Low Power, Unassisted

Ferris, Sam ERM Sam.Ferris.erm at govmail.gov.sk.ca
Tue Feb 22 11:39:02 EST 2000

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 2000

      Call: VE5SF                    Country:  Canada
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator
      Unassisted                     Power:    Low Power


      160        3        9   3.0        3
       80        9       27   3.0        8
       40      152      432   2.8       51
       20      330      978   3.0       64
       15      315      876   2.8       64
       10      327      927   2.8       60

     Totals   1136     3249   2.9      250  =   812,250

All reports sent were 599 SK.
Time on 26.2 hours

Comments:  Still one of my favourite contests stikes me as a DX
hunters dream.  Highlights were being called by TZ6DX and VQ9NL plus
the conditions would generally support running for me with 100 Watts
quite often, although rates were less than spectacular at times.  
Surprised to miss some of the closer mults (HC8L on 40 and TI5N on 
40 to 160).  Met J38A late in the contest on a couple of bands for new
mults and can only assume they were busy throughout the test.  Funny 
how sometimes I can work some carribean stations on 5 or 6 bands but 
not hear others until the end of the contest.  Sure wish I could hear 
europe on 80 since there were a few requests for schedules...could 
hear the east coast guys working europe on 80, but it is difficult 
from western Canada and a city lot.

Largest Q totals in eroupe for me were DL-121, OK-77, S5-54, UA-53, 
and I-38.  Largest Q's overall was JA-158 as expected.

Please look for me in the SSB portion.

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature: Sam Ferris 


               Sam Ferris  VE5SF
               2618 Laycock Bay
               Regina, SASKATCHEWAN 
               CANADA  S4V 1V9

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