[3830] 3E1CW M/S ARRL DX CW

Kenneth Ramirez KRAMIREZ at tritonpcs.com
Wed Feb 23 09:37:34 EST 2000

   Call- 3E1CW
   QTH - Contadora Island, Gulf of Panama, Panama,C.A. QTH of HP1XVH
   Ops.- N4UK, W4OC 
   Club- South East Contest Club
   Score-    5,389 Qs  x 331 Mults= 5,351,277
     Hit the doldrums Sunday morning at 1AM and they continued until noon on
Sunday. Thanks goodness things picked up later that afternoon or we would
have really fell behind. Massive amounts of you worked us on 6 bands! Thanks
to everyone!
73 de Ken, N4UK and Don, W4OC 

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