[3830] WD0T NAQP CW part time

Todd Dravland wd0t at sd.cybernex.net
Sat Jan 8 23:45:49 EST 2000

                       2000 NCJ NORTH AMERICAN QSO PARTY
     Call used: WD0T                                           Location: SD
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power: 100W
     Callsign of Operator: WD0T
     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
     Exchanged Information: WD0T TODD SD  
     Hours of Operation: 02:14
     band      QSOs     points    mults
     160         13        13       10
      80         20        20       13
      40         46        46       23
      20         65        65       30
      15         34        34       22
      10          2         2        2
     TOTAL      180       180      100      SCORE: 18,000
     Club or Team Name: SMC
                Part time effort, with other duties to do around the house
                and taking care of 15 month old son. Was fun to hear and
                work all the regulars again, congrats to K6LL on an 
                outstanding score.  See you later. 
     I, by virtue of my statement below, have taken part in the 
           2000 NCJ NORTH AMERICAN QSO PARTY on 01/07/2000
     conscientiously applying my most ethical interpretation of the
     published rules for this contest.
     Date_01/08/2000_ Signature_Todd Dravland_ Call_WD0T_
     Name: Todd Dravland                   Call: WD0T
           618 N. Harrison Ave.

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
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