Jon Rosner rosner at hep.uchicago.edu
Sun Jan 16 14:30:13 EST 2000

			NA QSO PARTY - JANUARY 15-16, 2000

	Call used: WO9S		Mode: SSB
	Section: IL		Entry Class: Single Op, All Band, LP

	Band    QSOs	Mults

	160	  43	  22
	80       135 	  41
	40	 102 	  38 
	20       137	  43
	15        85	  27
	10        74	  13
	Total    576	=>  105,984 points

	Equipment: Yaesu FT-990 (100 watts)
		Force-12 C3SD Yagi on 10-15-20
		Butternut HF-6VX vertical on 40 and 80
		Dual dipole on 40 and 80
		Quarter-wave half-sloper on 160

	Club Participation: 	Society of Midwest Contesters Team #3

	Time on: 10 hours

	Comments:  My first NAQP on SSB.  A civilized contest and lots
	of fun!  Need to upgrade the 40 m antennas - have noticed a dip in
        the QSO totals on 40 in the last few contests.  (Or is 40 just

	 73, Jon Rosner,   WO9S

	Jonathan L. Rosner              Phone: 773-702-7694
        Enrico Fermi Institute          Fax:   773-702-8038
        University of Chicago           e-mail: rosner at bquark.uchicago.edu
        5640 S. Ellis Avenue		    or  rosner at hep.uchicago.edu
        Chicago, IL 60637 USA

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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