Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Jan 16 22:33:22 EST 2000

K8MR , Single Op, 100 watts, Ohio

160   41   42
 75  115   34
 40  128   38
 20    35   20
 15    21   11
 10    23     9

Tot  363  136    49,368   4 hours, which included 15 minutes for supper.

About as much time as expected, as I my daughter had 2 basketball games (JV 
and varsity) beginning at 1800Z, and Linda & I went out for the evening.  I 
currently have fairly serious line noise, which I have roughly tracked down 
and am waiting for the power company to get out to pinpoint and fix.  
Therefore no scatter on the high bands.  I did have the 10 minute rate over 
250 at one point on 75 meters, and over 200 a number of points, also on 75.

I was surprised that a number of people were thanking me for a new multiplier 
rather late in the contest.  W4AN even moved me to 20M with 1 minute to go.  

Also, on CW, K8MAD (K8CC, K8MR ops) , 74/56 for 4,144

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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