WA9ALS - John jfleming at shelbynet.net
Wed Jan 26 23:22:01 EST 2000

Thanks to all that worked me, and of course, special thanks to the
AH6-guys (AH6OZ and AH6HH) and to ZS6RVG for bringing me those
I really like the continent mult - makes you sweat a little...

Seemed like more folks than normal operating "out" of the contest, e.g.
serial numbers like "I guess it's 1", or the guy that sent me a huge
paragraph about himself, his station, and his QTH in response to my
contest CQ - HI.  Hopefully that means some new people were introduced
to RTTY contesting this weekend.

As usual, I'll be glad to QSL anyone that needs/wants Indiana!  73
all! - John

CALL: WA9ALS  (Indiana, USA)

Single OP

80m:        25
40m:        62
20m:       185
15m:        48
10m:         9

Total:     329

Continents:  6
Call Areas: 17
DXCC:  41

Total multipliers: 58

Score:  114492

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitters within the limitations of my license and have observed
fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

John W. Fleming, WA9ALS

Multiplier Summary
8P     9A     9H     CE     CX     DL     EA8    EU     F      G
GM     GW     HK     I      K      KH6    LU     LY     LZ     OE
OH     OK     ON     OZ     PA     PJ2    S5     SM     SP     SV
UA     UA9    UN     UR     V3     VE     YL     YO     YU     YV

Call Areas
K0   K1   K2   K3   K4   K5   K6   K7   K8   K9
VE1  VE3  VE4  VE5  VE6  VE7  VE9

WA9ALS - John  jfleming at shelbynet.net

WA9ALS - John  jfleming at shelbynet.net

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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