[3830] CQ160 CW (Rovers: W3GH, W9XR)

Spencer Lazar slazar19 at sgi.net
Sun Jan 30 19:36:45 EST 2000

         CQ 160 Meter Contest, CW
Call: W3GH                   Call: W9XR    
Operator(s): W3GH            Operators (s): W9XR
Station: W3GH                Station: W3GH

Class: SOHP                  Class: SOHP
Friday Night                 Saturday Night


W3GH 152,964 Points,  675 Q's,  Mults: 84  55 + 29
W9XR 154,710 Points,  540 Q's,  Mults: 90  53 + 37   


Pre contest dinner consisted of a fifth of Vodka and 
a glass, we were ready to go. 

Yes we were ready, I had my girl friend walking the
beverages all night with a flashlight just to make sure
we had no breakdowns. It was about 10 degrees below zero
with 40 mile per hour winds. It's a nasty job, but somebody
has to do it.

Also the Green Hornet (W3GH) had a spiritual awakening this week.
He told me the station was blessed by GOD and instead of going 
into details, he told me to just sit down and operate.

Everytime I called cq loud stateside qrm would qsb down
to inaudible and the dx would peak up to 20 over 9. 
Before the contest the static crashes was 40 over,
during the contest it was non existant.

Things were so perfect, even when I went to the bathroom
for a quick pit stop, GOD turned the light on and off for
me, saving a lot of time. This contest was really blessed,
everything went so perfect.

In the morning Mrs. Green Hornet was not her smiling self.
She wanted to know who pissed in her refrigerator.

Have a nice day,
Spike W9XR

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