[3830] M6T IOTA Single Op (G4PIQ) 24hr SSB Permanent Island...

Andy Cook, G4PIQ g4piq@btinternet.com" <g4piq@btinternet.com
Mon Jul 31 23:49:49 EDT 2000

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   80SSB     127         126        918      37
   40SSB     342         340       2088      60
   20SSB     827         811       3897      86
   15SSB     521         512       3336      76
   10SSB     239         237       1392      47

 Totals     2056        2026      11631     306

    Final Score = 3559086 points.

Rig :   2 x FT1000MP + PAs.

Ants :  80m - Delta Loop @ 23m
        40m - 401.5CD @ 24m
        HF -  TH5 @ 24m (Run Radio); A3 @ 26m - 2nd radio

Good fun as usual. Lost main run station antenna just before start of 
contest and 402CD a bit sick so feeling a little whimpy. F2 Conditions much 
poorer than last year, and JAs which are so important to score from here 
much too much like hard work. Balanced to some extent by good Es conditions 
inside Europe, but 3 points / QSO is not like 15 points / QSO for the JAs! 
Thanks to Darren, G0WCW for his help in getting station together, and many 
thanks to everyone who moved from band to band for me.


Andy, G4PIQ.

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