[3830] IOTA 12 HR MIXED Score WB2YQH

WB2YQH at aol.com WB2YQH at aol.com
Sun Jul 30 16:13:59 EDT 2000

IOTA - Contest Summary Sheet - Year: 2000      IOTA Ref: __________

Callsign:  WB2YQH                     Total Claimed Score    477,000

Indicate Section.

IOTA Island       IOTA Island       IOTA Island         World
 Permanent: __    DXpedition: __    100w Dxped: __    Single Op: X

  Indicate Period:   24 Hour: __       12 Hour: X

    Indicate Mode:     Mixed: X_            CW: __          SSB: __

Indicate Category:  Multi-Op: __     Single Op: X

Note:  Multi-Op MUST be 24 hour mixed mode, World MUST be Single Op.

     Super-Duper for IOTA: V9.52
     Copyright Paul O'Kane EI5DI  1990-99             www.ei5di.com

     BAND             80m     40m     20m     15m     10m     Total

     Valid QSOs SSB     0       0      94      89       0       183
     Valid QSOs CW      0      14      73      30       0       117
     Total QSOs         0      14     167     119       0       300

     QSO Points         0     162    1761    1257       0      3180

     Multipliers SSB    0       0      54      39       0        93
     Multipliers CW     0      10      31      16       0        57
     Total Mults        0      10      85      55       0       150

Island name and/or station location: ______________________________
Give exact coordinates if island is not listed by name in Directory

TX/RX      IC-745, SB-220                        Power o/p 600w

Antennas   CL-33, HF-6V

Operators  WB2YQH

Comments   Time Off Periods: 1700-1830, 1900-2000, 0000-0115
                             0316 Finish  Total of 11.5 hrs on air


I declare that this station was operated strictly in accordance with
the rules and spirit of the contest and within the conditions of my
licence.  My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.
I agree that the decision of the contest organisers shall be final
in all cases of dispute.  I agree to the data from this entry being
analysed and cross-checked by computer.

Signed    Signature by E-Mail message             Date  30 July 2000

Name      Bob Nadolny                        Callsign  WB2YQH
Address   P.O. Box 73
          Spring Brook NY  14140

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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