[3830] HC8N M/S (more data) -- WPX CW

Trey Garlough trey at kkn.net
Fri Jun 2 14:57:46 EDT 2000

Here are some more details from K6AW's and my operation in WPX CW.  We
didn't notice until the last minute that our logging program wanted to
start us off at #101 rather than #1 at the beginning of the contest,
so we apologize for the silly numbers we were giving out at the
beginning, like #121 during the 8th minute of the contest.  :-)

Traditionally this contest has always seemed to have more appeal in
Europe than in North America.  This weekend was no exception.

--Trey, N5KO

                               Continent Statistics
    HC8N   CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST    Multi Single     29 May 2000  0000z

                  160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America      0    0  404  487  572  652 2115    38.5
South America      0    0   18   12   19   16   65     1.2
Europe             0    0  332  570  487 1053 2442    44.4
Asia               0    0  157  412  213   43  825    15.0
Africa             0    0    1    2    4    4   11     0.2
Oceania            0    0    9   16    3    9   37     0.7


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT

    0    .....    .....    .....    98/63    59/48    .....  157/111  157/111
    1      .        .      92/50     6/4       .        .      98/54  255/165
    2      .        .     101/49      .        .        .     101/49  356/214
    3      .        .     100/37      .        .        .     100/37  456/251
    4      .        .      87/30      .        .        .      87/30  543/281
    5      .        .      64/30      .        .        .      64/30  607/311
    6      .        .      39/8     22/4       .        .      61/12  668/323
    7      .        .        .     135/55      .        .     135/55  803/378
    8    .....    .....    .....   123/50    .....    .....   123/50  926/428
    9      .        .      60/15    41/15      .        .     101/30 1027/458
   10      .        .      49/14    39/7       .        .      88/21 1115/479
   11      .        .        .     121/24      .        .     121/24 1236/503
   12      .        .        .     120/27      .        .     120/27 1356/530
   13      .        .        .      50/9       .      53/21   103/30 1459/560
   14      .        .        .        .        .     127/32   127/32 1586/592
   15      .        .        .        .        .     142/24   142/24 1728/616
   16    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....   145/23   145/23 1873/639
   17      .        .        .        .        .     134/24   134/24 2007/663
   18      .        .        .        .        .     148/24   148/24 2155/687
   19      .        .        .        .        .     131/11   131/11 2286/698
   20      .        .        .        .        .     136/17   136/17 2422/715
   21      .        .        .        .        .     128/17   128/17 2550/732
   22      .        .        .        .      84/12    55/13   139/25 2689/757
   23      .        .        .        .     158/12      .     158/12 2847/769
    0    .....    .....    .....    .....   120/12    .....   120/12 2967/781
    1      .        .      26/5     55/7     20/2       .     101/14 3068/795
    2      .        .      42/6     42/6       .        .      84/12 3152/807
    3      .        .      42/1     56/3       .        .      98/4  3250/811
    4      .        .      54/2     58/5       .        .     112/7  3362/818
    5      .        .      17/1     92/11      .        .     109/12 3471/830
    6      .        .      32/1     43/2       .        .      75/3  3546/833
    7      .        .        .     110/8       .        .     110/8  3656/841
    8    .....    .....    .....    92/10    .....     8/2    100/12 3756/853
    9      .        .      32/3     68/9      7/0       .     107/12 3863/865
   10      .        .        .        .     155/13      .     155/13 4018/878
   11      .        .      50/4     54/7     12/1       .     116/12 4134/890
   12      .        .      34/3      3/0     73/2       .     110/5  4244/895
   13      .        .        .        .     120/6       .     120/6  4364/901
   14      .        .        .        .      75/12     8/1     83/13 4447/914
   15      .        .        .        .        .      96/9     96/9  4543/923
   16    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....   134/10   134/10 4677/933
   17      .        .        .        .      60/8     54/2    114/10 4791/943
   18      .        .        .        .      45/3     61/4    106/7  4897/950
   19      .        .        .        .        .     117/10   117/10 5014/960
   20      .        .        .        .        .     100/9    100/9  5114/969
   21      .        .        .        .     129/14      .     129/14 5243/983
   22      .        .        .        .     135/12      .     135/12 5378/995
   23      .        .        .      68/8     46/4       .     114/12 5492/1007
DAY1    .....    .....  592/233  755/258   301/72 1199/206    .....  2847/769
DAY2      .        .     329/26   741/76   997/89   578/47      .    2645/238
TOT       .        .    921/259 1496/334 1298/161 1777/253      .    5492/1007

DAY1   .....    .....   7.1/83   6.0/125  1.9/161  9.0/134   .....  24.0/119
DAY2     .        .     4.0/82   6.3/117  8.3/120  5.4/108     .    24.0/110
TOT      .        .    11.2/82  12.3/121 10.1/128 14.3/124     .    48.0/114

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