[3830] LY6M operation in WPX CW
Robert Kasca
s53r at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 4 23:44:24 EDT 2000
Call: LY6M (@LY3BH) Country: Lithuania
Mode: CW Category: SO/AB/HP/Un
160 33 64 1.9 2
80 161 369 2.3 16
40 542 1645 3.0 181
20 1111 2477 2.2 312
15 1190 2812 2.4 297
10 314 382 1.2 53
Totals 3351 7749 2.3 861 = 6,671,889
Equipment Description: Radio 1: TS850S/AT + 1 KW Amplifier
Radio 2: TS850S/AT + 1 KW Amplifier
Two computers, home made 2R switch (audio out, PTT etc) box.
Antennas: 160 - Inv Vee Dipole
80 - Sloping Dipoles
40 - 3 el Yagi @20m
20 - 6 el Yagi @23m
15 - 6 el Yagi @21m
10 - 6 el Yagi @26m
Soapbox Comments
800+ second radio QSOs. Year ago opening to NA was better and longer.
This year a bit more JAs but very low activity from NA and nice
sporadic opening on 10 meters, which produced many "cheap" QSOs. Again,
as last year, strong thunderstorm on Sunday evening and as a result lots
of static crashes on all bands.
Funiest contest moment was when one guy on Sunday afternoon on 10
meters argued to me that I operating not alone! When I asked him "are you
sure? I'm in SO2R mode" he told me "yes, sure! 2 operators. 2nd operator
is on 21...". To what I said "then lsn VY CAREFULLY". Pity, he didn't
come back later... My host, Alex LY3BH laughed when I related him this
story. Alex said: "well, I don't know about 2 ops but sure you where
assisted, cause always I stir one's tea for you..". YES, I'm "2 in 1"!
73, Dan LY1DS
Hello Guys,
Reading 3830 I found the above mesagge from Dan LY1DS/LY6M and I must repy
to it. Being in TS, with a small tribander and 2 dipoles over the WPX
weekend, surely gave me enough time to check the bands.
Reading mesagge below, it looks like I wasn't the only one who observed
something was fishy with LY6M. Dan, I can not argue with you about 2
opertors being at the controls, you know it better, but there is something I
stand behind. LY6M had 2 signals at the same time on the air. YOu parked one
of the CQ machines at around 28014 and the second one around 21030 and the
CQs were comming out simultaneously. This is, put it mildly, very wide
interpretation of SOAB rules. The rule says clearly, boldfaced print in the
January 2000 issue of CQ magazine, that ONLY ONE signal is permitted at any
time. You have defeated this rule by all means.
I made a short test. When you were giving out a report on 28, you were
simultaneously calling CQ on 21. Already during that QSO on 28 I put in a
call on 21 and got immedioate response. Again, very nice operating -
obviously you can handle 2 keyboards at the same time, but that were 2 sigs
on the air at the same time. I checked later a few times during Sunday
afternoon - stil the same. SOAB with 2 radios does not allow for such
operation. All written above can be veryfied by a very respected and
well-known S5 contester, if neccesary.
Why am I doing this, you may ask? LY1DS is an ex and this year's WRTC team
member, and so am I. If we do not set an example for honest and fair contest
operations, who, but top and very active contesters will? This hobby does
not need policemen, it just needs people who know how to interprete the
rules and OBEY them. Cheating the rules does not help anybody and if we do
not act swiftly, all left from contesting will be, trying to find a way to
defet the rules and set the record. To my honest opinion, very poor
advertising for contesting.
73 Robert Kasca, S53R
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