[3830] N7IR VHF QSO Party - SOLP

Gary Hembree gary.hembree at asu.edu
Mon Jun 12 15:26:10 EDT 2000

                       ARRL VHF QSO PARTY -- 2000

      Call:      N7IR
      Category:  Single Operator Low Power
      Power:     10 watts PEP or less 
      Band:      All Band
      Section:   AZ
      Grid:      DM43

      BAND     QSO    QSO PTS      GRIDS

       50      315      315         132
      144       10       10           3
     Totals    325      325         135  =   43,875

Equipment Description:
6 Meters: Elecraft K2 with Ten-Tec 1208 transverter; 8 watts out
          Directive Systems 5 el. Yagi at 40'
2 Meters: Kenwood TR-9000; 10 watts out
          AEA Isopole at 16'

Club Affiliation: Central Arizona DX Association

Great Es openings on Sunday, especially the last three hours!  Saturday
only had limited openings in the evening to the northwest and east.  Under
good conditions 8 watts is enough on 6. 

Gary, N7IR

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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