[3830] AA3B FD 2000 Class 1E

The Trench Family cwtrench at sprynet.com
Sun Jun 25 21:01:32 EDT 2000

Operator: AA3B
Class: 1E (powered by a rented 5KVA generator)
Section: EPA
Power: Less than 150W (FT1000MP barefoot)


 80      198
 40      512
 20      421
 15      182
 10       48

Total   1361 QSOs for a claimed score of 5444 points.

We had relatively nice conditions here in EPA - low QRN and good
propagation.  The highlight of the event was stumbling across VK0MM at
0500Z on 20CW and working him for #323!

GL to everyone in IARU.

73 Bud AA3B

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