Thomas Platz platz@gerber-druck.de
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 12:59:00 +0100

CQ/RJ World Wide WPX Contest RTTY 2000

Call used  : DL4MCF

Entry Class: Single OP, All Band, High Power
Band    QSOs   Pts  Mults

80       152   598      -
40        92   390      -
20       160   330      -
15       219   504      -
10       277   703      -
-----   ----  ----  ----
Total    900  2525   377


Claimed Score: 951925

Operating-Time : 30 hours

Off-Periods    : 03:00 - 04:05  =  1 h  5 min
                        06:08 - 07:01  =  1 h  3 min
                       10:54 - 11:54  =  1 h  0 min
                       16:16 - 22:48  =  6 h 32 min
                       01:04 - 02:11  =  1 h  7 min
                       02:31 - 03:58  =  1 h 27 min
                       04:08 - 05:09  =  1 h  1 min
                       19:15 - 00:00  =  4 h 45 min
                                                 18 h 00 min

Software : RTTY by WF1B, Version 3.2A
Equipment: Yaesu FT 1000MP, Alpha 91b, AEA PK 232 MBX
Antennas : 2-element 3-band Yagi for 10/15/20m, Trap-Dipole for 40/80m

Club Participation : Bavarian Contest Club

Remarks  : Gave out serial nr. 770 twice - SORRY!
                  Lot of fun again - hope to have better antennas and
                  no TVI-problems next year

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com