[3830] BARTG Spring RTTY - VE5CPU - SOABHP

Bart Ritchie ve5cpu@sk.sympatico.ca
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 19:22:27 -0600

BARTG Spring RTTY Contest (2000)

Call used: VE5CPU
Location:  Saskatchewan (SK), Canada

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band
Power Output: 300

Band    QSOs   Pts  Dist    DX  Cont
80         3     3     3     2     1
40        11    11     5     5     2
20       259   254    19    46     6
15       327   326    24    50     6
10       123   123    19    32     5
Total    723   717    70   135     6

Claimed Score: 881910
Software: RTTY by WF1B  v4.5a

Soapbox: Conditions were surprising and rated excellent to very good for 
pretty much the whole time I was on.  I managed about 24 hours of the 30 
allowed.  I was pleasantly surprised by the DX turn out this year with good 
representation all through Europe / Middle East / Asia as well as the other 
areas.  My DX mult count was 50% better than last year.  My goal was to 
beat last years numbers and I had done that in the first full 24 hours of 
the contest.  As is typical, Sunday did not have the same level of 
activity, but it was pretty good non the less.

THANKS! to all those who participated and especially those who took the 
time to worked me.  Hope you have a great spring and summer and look 
forward to working you all in the next one.

- Bart, VE5CPU
73, Bart - VE5CPU
. B.R. (Bart) Ritchie       	Internet: ve5cpu@sk.sympatico.ca .
. Regina, SK Canada              .                              .
. Amateur Radio Call:VE5CPU	Ampr-Org: ve5cpu@ve5us.ampr.org  .

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com