k7zo at micron.net k7zo at micron.net
Sun Mar 5 20:08:23 EST 2000

                     ARRL DX Contest - SSB
Call: K7ZO

Class: SOAB(A)  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): ~24

 Band     QSOs  Mults
   40:     21     10
   20:     71     40
   15:    133     66
   10:    705     87
Total:    930    230  =  566,370



CW Third FULL weekend in February---Phone First FULL weekend in March


Single Operator                                Valid QSOs  DXCC countries
____ All band                          160        No antenna
____ Single band: ___                  80         No antenna
____ QRP (5W or less output)           40         21           10
XX__ Assisted                          20         71           40 
                                       15        133           66 
Multioperator                          10        705           87 
____ Single transmitter                TOTAL     930          203
____ Two transmitter
____ Unlimited

930   QSOs  * 3  = _2790_  x  203  DXCC Countries = 566370     Claimed Score 
POWER OUTPUT-CHECK ANY USED:  ____ 5 watts or less    ____ 6W-150W __XX__Over

SOAPBOX (Statistics Following)
Wow, was that fun or what? Too bad conditions can’t be like this every year. I
am sure there are going to be some giant scores out there. Some of the
highlights that come to mind:

* Who would have thought that a 3 element 10M beam on 15’ pushup mast tied to
the side of my son’s trampoline could lead to 700+ QSO’s on that band? On a
$/QSO basis this has got to be one of the top setups out there. (The antennas
on the other bands were: a wire LPA for 10-20 fixed on EU at 20’ and a 40M
diople at 20’. I had no antennas for 80 or 160 though 6D2X tried talking me
into trying an 80M QSO on the 40M dipole and P40V was pleading for any Idaho
station to get on 160M.)
* Notable high QSO count countries on 10M: JA= 244, DL=69, I=65, G=26, VK=21,
* Even with this great 10M performance I missed some usually easy countries:
BV, BY, ZS , 6Y, and FM where were you?
* Only had one frequency fight when a 2X1 in 2 land decided he wanted my 15M
frequency. On the plus side thanks to K9NS for standing by while I worked a FS
on 10M who was just 750Hz up from him.
* This is the first contest I have ever worked where I had more QSO’s into
Europe than Japan. My feeling this is partly from the great openings in EU but
also the general decline in the number of JA stations on the air.
* 10M caught me by surprise Saturday morning as it opened to EU about 1500Z.
The more usual opening is 1600-1630Z, which is what we had on Sunday. Though on
Sunday it seemed to stay open later.
* Being in a rare state sure made it fun. I imagine I got a little taste of
what rare DX gets. During the height of the EU openings it felt like I had 5
stations or more calling me at once for 60-90 minutes. My pileup training from
operating at NK7U sure paid off.
* Happy to give out many “first Idaho QSO” to the deserving. I also gave F5TMJ
his last state for his all time WAS. 
* Worked a bunch of new countries. 
* Thanks to W5XD for making such a great WriteLog program. I had no problems
with Telnet PacketCluster access. At the beginning I did try recording the
contest to my hard disc but the process seemed to interfere with the voice
keyer memories and they would freeze up. If I turned off the recording function
I would not have any problems. It could be I was taxing my old P166 a bit too
much. Not sure.

Statistics and Such

                              Continent Totals 
          160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %
    AS       0      0      9      6     30    252     297    31.9
    OC       0      0      3      6      9     53      71     7.6
    NA       0      0      7     10     18     30      65     7.0
    SA       0      0      2      6     13     24      45     4.8
    AF       0      0      0      2      4      4      10     1.1
    EU       0      0      0     41     59    342     442    47.5

                             QSO/DX by hour and band

 Hour     160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm   

D1-0000Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   62/10   62/10     62/10  
D1-0100Z    -       -       -       -       -     71/4    71/4     133/14  
D1-0200Z    -       -       -       -      5/5    25/0    30/5     163/19  
D1-0300Z    -       -       -       -     15/4    25/2    40/6     203/25    
D1-0400Z    -       -       -     17/13    8/6      -     25/19    228/44  
D1-0500Z    -       -      3/3    14/7     5/2      -     22/12    250/56     
D1-0600Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     250/56    
D1-0700Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     250/56    
D1-0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0     250/56    
D1-0900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     250/56    
D1-1000Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     250/56    
D1-1100Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     250/56    
D1-1200Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     250/56    
D1-1300Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     250/56    
D1-1400Z    -       -      6/1      -       -       -      6/1     256/57    
D1-1500Z    -       -       -       -       -     80/25   80/25    336/82  
D1-1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   47/7    47/7     383/89  
D1-1700Z    -       -       -       -       -      4/2     4/2     387/91     
D1-1800Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     387/91    
D1-1900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     387/91    
D1-2000Z    -       -       -       -       -     13/8    13/8     400/99    
D1-2100Z    -       -       -       -     34/21    6/5    40/26    440/125 
D1-2200Z    -       -       -       -     14/5    29/0    43/5     483/130 
D1-2300Z    -       -       -       -      5/3    27/0    32/3     515/133 
D2-0000Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    2/1    50/3    52/4     567/137 
D2-0100Z    -       -      1/1    11/9     7/2     7/1    26/13    593/150    
D2-0200Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     593/150   
D2-0300Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     593/150   
D2-0400Z    -       -       -      2/1     1/1      -      3/2     596/152   
D2-0500Z    -       -      8/5    13/4     4/1      -     25/10    621/162    
D2-0600Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     621/162   
D2-0700Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     621/162   
D2-0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0     621/162   
D2-0900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     621/162   
D2-1000Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     621/162   
D2-1100Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     621/162   
D2-1200Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     621/162   
D2-1300Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     621/162   
D2-1400Z    -       -      3/0     2/1     2/1      -      7/2     628/164   
D2-1500Z    -       -       -       -     20/11    1/1    21/12    649/176 
D2-1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    1/0    27/8    28/8     677/184 
D2-1700Z    -       -       -       -       -     80/1    80/1     757/185 
D2-1800Z    -       -       -       -       -     71/0    71/0     828/185 
D2-1900Z    -       -       -       -       -     38/1    38/1     866/186 
D2-2000Z    -       -       -       -      2/0    14/7    16/7     882/193 
D2-2100Z    -       -       -      3/3     5/1    11/2    19/6     901/199 
D2-2200Z    -       -       -      8/1     3/2    13/0    24/3     925/202 
D2-2300Z    -       -       -      1/1      -      4/0     5/1     930/203 

Total:     0/0     0/0    21/10   71/40  133/66  705/87 

DXCC Countries:

 40 Meters
HC8   JA    KH6   KH8   KL    PY    T32   VP5   XE    ZF    

 20 Meters
8P    9A    9J    9Y    CT    DL    DU    EA8   FO    HA    HC8   HK    I     
JA    KH6   KL    KP2   KP4   LY    OE    OH    OK    OZ    P4    PY    S5    
SM    SP    UA    UA2   UA9   UR    V3    V4    XE    YL    YO    YU    YV    

 15 Meters
5N    6W    8P    9A    CE    CM    CN    CT    DL    EA    EA8   EI    F     
G     GI    GM    GW    HA    HC8   I     JA    JD/o  KH0   KH6   KH8   KL    
KP2   KP4   LA    LU    LY    OA    OE    OH    OH0   OM    ON    OZ    P4    
PA    PJ2   PY    PY0F  S5    SM    SP    T32   TF    TG    UA    UA9   UN    
UR    V2    V3    V4    V7    VK    VP5   XE    YB    YL    YU    YV    ZF    

 10 Meters
3D2   6W    8P    9A    9G    9H    CE    CM    CT    CT3   CX    DL    DU    
EA    EA8   EI    F     FJ    G     GM    GW    HA    HB    HC    HC8   HK    
HL    HP    HR    I     J3    JA    KH0   KH2   KH6   KH8   KL    KP2   KP4   
LA    LU    LX    LY    OE    OH    OH0   OK    OM    ON    OZ    P4    PA    
PJ2   PJ7   PY    S5    SM    SP    SV    T32   T9    TA    TI    UA    UA9   
UR    V2    V3    V4    V6    V7    VK    VP2V  VP5   VP6   VP9   VR    XE    
YB    YL    YO    YS    YU    YV    Z3    ZF    ZL    

160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

   3D2                                          1       1

    5N                                   1              1

    6W                                   1      1       2
    8P                            1      1      1       3
    9A                            1      1      8      10
    9G                                          1       1
    9H                                          1       1
    9J                            1                     1
    9Y                            1                     1
    CE                                   2      1       3
    CM                                   2      1       3
    CN                                   1              1
    CT                            1      2      5       8
   CT3                                          1       1
    CX                                          1       1
    DL                            3      6     69      78
    DU                            1             7       8
    EA                                   4     16      20
   EA8                            1      1      1       3
    EI                                   2      3       5
     F                                   2     14      16
    FJ                                          1       1
    FO                            1                     1
     G                                   3     26      29
    GI                                   1              1
    GM                                   1     10      11
    GW                                   2      2       4
    HA                            2      2      5       9
    HB                                          4       4
    HC                                          1       1
   HC8                     1      1      1      1       4
    HK                            1             1       2
    HL                                          4       4
    HP                                          1       1
    HR                                          1       1
     I                            4      3     65      72
    J3                                          1       1
    JA                     9      4     25    244     282
  JD/o                                   1              1
   KH0                                   1      2       3
   KH2                                          1       1
   KH6                     1      4      1     10      16
   KH8                     1             1      1       3
    KL                     2      2      3      6      13
   KP2                            1      1      1       3
   KP4                            1      1      1       3
    LA                                   1      2       3
    LU                                   2      8      10
    LX                                          2       2
    LY                            1      1      2       4
    OA                                   1              1
    OE                            1      1      4       6
    OH                            2      7      8      17
   OH0                                   1      1       2
    OK                            2            13      15
    OM                                   2      1       3
    ON                                   1     19      20
    OZ                            1      1      4       6
    P4                            1      2      2       5
    PA                                   2     10      12
   PJ2                                   1      1       2
   PJ7                                          1       1
    PY                     1      1      2      7      11
  PY0F                                   1              1
    S5                            1      2     12      15
    SM                            2      3      8      13
    SP                            1      1      6       8
    SV                                          5       5
   T32                     1             1      1       3
    T9                                          1       1
    TA                                          1       1
    TF                                   1              1
    TG                                   1              1
    TI                                          1       1
    UA                           10      3      4      17
   UA2                            1                     1
   UA9                            2      3      2       7
    UN                                   1              1
    UR                            2      1      4       7
    V2                                   1      1       2
    V3                            1      1      2       4
    V4                            1      1      1       3
    V6                                          1       1
    V7                                   1      1       2
    VK                                   2     21      23
  VP2V                                          1       1
   VP5                     1             1      2       4
   VP6                                          1       1
   VP9                                          1       1
    VR                                          1       1
    XE                     3      2      3      2      10
    YB                                   1      3       4
    YL                            1      1      2       4
    YO                            1             1       2
    YS                                          1       1
    YU                            4      1      3       8
    YV                            1      1      1       3
    Z3                                          2       2
    ZF                     1      1      2      3       7
    ZL                                   1      3       4


Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
K7ZO         930  230   566,370SOAB(A) HP 

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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