w5robert at blkbox.com w5robert at blkbox.com
Sun Mar 19 02:29:43 EST 2000

                     ARRL DX Contest - SSB
Call: V26P
Operator(s): W5AJ

Class: SOAB  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): 40

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:    179     40
   80:    306     52
   40:    395     53
   20:    656     57
   15:   1385     58
   10:   2440     58
Total:   5361    318  =  5114394

Club: CTR


The noise was at V2.  20 seemed like W/VE always beamed North and 20 was
packed.  The noise was 40 over on 160 plus the 250KW BBC relay station across
the street on Sunday night, Rain Storm on Saturday night.

10 was open and the stack at V2 site played very well.  The 2 element 80 worked
well but noise got 80 also.  Used a MLA2500 with TS-850SAT driver.  KD5AAU
attended & cooked the meals during the contest & hit the beach outside the
contest.  The TS850 has the 1.8khz IRI filter and you can tell the difference. 
CT version 8 with 486 laptop with connections for band data & Kenwood internal
DVP.  Had to hand change out band filters between rig/amp each band change due
to BBC interference so could not move multi's well.

Operating position at V2 site
<A HREF="http://www.blkbox.com/~w5robert/v26p.gif"> V26P </A>

The 5 element 15 with 20 meter in background
<A HREF="http://www.blkbox.com/~w5robert/v26p15.gif"> 15m tower </A>

Large BBC towers about 450 ft apart & claimed 16db gain via wire antennas
between the towers
<A HREF="http://www.blkbox.com/~w5robert/bbc.gif"> BBC with Noise </A><p>

4 / 4 on 10 ,  5 on 15 , 3 on 20,  2 on 40, fixed 2 on 80 & dipole on 160

TNX to V26B team for nice setup.  73 W5AJ 

<a href="http://www.blkbox.com/~w5robert"> mla2800 project </a> <p>

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
V26P        5361  318   5114394SOAB    HP 

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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