[3830] N2ED Russian DX Test

Ed Wlodarski kb2qwo at worldnet.att.net
Tue Mar 21 06:15:06 EST 2000

Attached is the score for the Russian DX Test.

Station     : N2ED
DXCC country: K
Entry       : SOMB-CW
E-mail      : kb2qwo at worldnet.att.net
Address     : 3 Shore Rd.
              Andover, NJ 07821
*********              USA

             SCORE TABLE
Band         QSOs:   Points  DXCC  Obls
           CW    SB

1.8         0     0      0      0     0
3.5         0     0      0      0     0
7           0     0      0      0     0
14         82     0    622     26    26
21         83     0    677     24    27
28        129     0   1015     26    38

TOTAL     294     0   2314     76    91

TOTAL  QSOs:    294
       Points: 2314
       Mults:   167

FINAL SCORE:   2314 * (76 + 91) = 386438

  This is to certify that I have observed
all the Rules and regulations of the Contest.


Equipment/antenna(s):FT847, ACOM 2000A AMP, TRIBANDER

Contest comments:This was my first effort and was not able 
time. Very enjoyable test. I will be back next year witha better effort.

Date: MAR.19.2000

* UA1AAF software

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