[3830] CQ WPX SSB K5TR @w5kft SOAB HP

George Fremin III - K5TR geoiii at kkn.net
Mon Mar 27 13:43:33 EST 2000

                              CQ WPX SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 25-Mar-00, 26-Mar-00
    Callsign Used : K5TR
         Operator : K5TR
     Station Used : W5KFT - Ranch
         Category : Single Op All Band High Power
        Team/Club : CTDXCC

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

  160SSB       1           1          1        1 
   80SSB      35          35         81       11 
   40SSB      82          82        419       14 
   20SSB     562         555       1271      171 
   15SSB    1070        1055       2402      298 
   10SSB    1835        1783       4299      496 

 Totals     3585        3511       8473      991 

                    Final Score = 8,396,743 points.

The great condtions made this contest fun to operate. 
I had a fun time doing the contest QSOs.  I was hopping 
I would be able to have some good rate on 10m - like we 
see in the 10m contest - but it just never happened.  
I think the serial number exchange scares the casual
guy off - as he does not have a "number". 

Now the numbers......

480 band changes.
330 2nd radio qsos.

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      1    23    11   178   350   483   1046
  VE calls    =      0     4     6    25    49    65    149
  N.A. calls  =      0     3     3    13    14    21     54
  S.A. calls  =      0     0     3    12    29    78    122
  Euro calls  =      0     2    11   246   381   926   1566
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     0     6     6    10     22
  Asia calls  =      0     0     2    34    63    24    123
  JA calls    =      0     2    45    29   147   159    382
  Ocen calls  =      0     1     1    12    16    17     47

  Total calls =      1    35    82   555  1055  1783   3511

HR  160     80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE
-- -----  ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---------  -----
 0  ---     ---      ---      ---     28/19   156/96  184/115  184/115  0.04M
 1  ---     ---      ---      ---    154/76     4/2   158/78   342/193  0.14M
 2  ---     ---      ---     27/17    84/35     3/2   114/54   456/247  0.23M
 3  ---     ---      ---     14/7     58/23     9/7    81/37   537/284  0.33M
 4  ---     ---      3/0     68/37     3/2      ---    74/39   611/323  0.42M
 5  ---    12/3      ---     61/30     6/4      ---    79/37   690/360  0.53M
 6  ---     ---      ---     29/15    32/20     ---    61/35   751/395  0.64M
 7  ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    751/395  0.64M
 8  ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    751/395  0.64M
 9  ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    751/395  0.64M
10  ---     6/3     41/8      ---      ---      ---    47/11   798/406  0.75M
11  1/1     2/1     16/3     13/6      ---      ---    32/11   830/417  0.82M
12  ---     ---      ---      ---      5/3     23/12   28/15   858/432  0.89M
13  ---     ---      ---      ---      7/3    118/51  125/54   983/486  1.15M
14  ---     ---      ---      ---      4/3    100/40  104/43  1087/529  1.39M
15  ---     ---      ---      ---     37/10    68/26  105/36  1192/565  1.63M
16  ---     ---      ---      ---      6/0    111/35  117/35  1309/600  1.93M
17  ---     ---      ---      ---      7/3     99/28  106/31  1415/631  2.22M
18  ---     ---      ---      ---      8/2     74/18   82/20  1497/651  2.43M
19  ---     ---      ---      ---      6/1    102/19  108/20  1605/671  2.66M
20  ---     ---      ---      ---      1/0    118/21  119/21  1724/692  2.91M
21  ---     ---      ---      ---      ---    131/32  131/32  1855/724  3.25M
22  ---     ---      ---      ---     12/2    107/20  119/22  1974/746  3.53M
23  ---     ---      ---     13/2     20/2     56/10   89/14  2063/760  3.72M
 0  ---     ---      ---      ---     90/16    10/1   100/17  2163/777  3.98M
 1  ---     ---      ---      ---     20/5      ---    20/5   2183/782  4.04M
 2  ---     ---      ---      ---      6/0      5/4    11/4   2194/786  4.09M
 3  ---     ---      ---     89/16     9/0      ---    98/16  2292/802  4.36M
 4  ---     ---      7/1     88/15     4/2      ---    99/18  2391/820  4.66M
 5  ---    10/4     12/1     51/12     2/1      ---    75/18  2466/838  4.94M
 6  ---     ---      ---     54/6      2/1      ---    56/7   2522/845  5.11M
 7  ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   2522/845  5.11M
 8  ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   2522/845  5.11M
 9  ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   2522/845  5.11M
10  ---     ---      ---     18/4      1/1      ---    19/5   2541/850  5.18M
11  ---     2/0      3/1     19/2      ---      ---    24/3   2565/853  5.26M
12  ---     3/0      ---      8/1     53/4      1/1    65/6   2630/859  5.46M
13  ---     ---      ---      ---     87/10    12/6    99/16  2729/875  5.78M
14  ---     ---      ---      ---     10/2     81/20   91/22  2820/897  6.15M
15  ---     ---      ---      ---      6/0    101/9   107/9   2927/906  6.49M
16  ---     ---      ---      ---      6/3     88/6    94/9   3021/915  6.80M
17  ---     ---      ---      ---      6/0     81/9    87/9   3108/924  7.07M
18  ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      2/0     2/0   3110/924  7.07M
19  ---     ---      ---      ---     10/2     69/8    79/10  3189/934  7.29M
20  ---     ---      ---      ---     82/12    10/5    92/17  3281/951  7.63M
21  ---     ---      ---      ---     67/13    11/4    78/17  3359/968  7.93M
22  ---     ---      ---      3/1     40/7     16/2    59/10  3418/978  8.12M
23  ---     ---      ---      ---     76/11    17/2    93/13  3511/991  8.40M
D1 1/1    20/7     60/11   225/114  478/208 1279/419          2063/760
D2 0/0    15/4     22/3    330/57   577/90   504/77           1448/231
TO 1/1    35/11    82/14   555/171 1055/298 1783/496          3511/991


George Fremin III        "When a true genius appears in the world,
Johnson City, TX           you may know him by this sign; that the 
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)            dunces are all in confederacy against him."    
830/868-2510                                   -- Jonathan Swift
geoiii at kkn.net                              

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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