[3830] VE6JY(VE5MXop) s/op 15m HP (Long)

Todd Bendtsen ve5mx at sk.sympatico.ca
Wed Mar 29 04:10:09 EST 2000

 Callsign Used : VE6JY
           Station: VE6JY
         Operator : VE5MX
         Category : s/op 15m HP

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

   15SSB    3318        3189       8779     1013 

 Totals     3318        3189       8779     1013 

    Final Score = 8,893,127 points.

Station -  6/6/6/6 at 145/105/70/35'
	-  ATB-34 AT 50'
	-  FT1000mp and Henry
	-  IC706 and Alpha
	-  TR, of course

After last years 15m WPX CW operation from VE6JY I just couldnt wait to
get back and try it on SSB. I knew this would be a great year to try and
surpass the oldest Candian WPX record there was dating back to the last
sunspot peak in 1989. I spent all week going over the 15m log that we
pulled out of last years M/M operation and listening to KX8R running
them everyday when I got home from work. 

Arrived at VE6JY about 2100Z on Friday and was relieved to hear all the
good signals on the band after the unsettled condx earlier in the week.
Had a quick look around the station setup to find that I would be using
the FT-1000mp/Henry combination with the stack and the little
IC-706/Alpha combination with ATB-34 that is off on the edge of the
property far enough away that I can work within about 20 kHz of the run
station without too much trouble. From the start the goal was to get as
many 3 pointers in the log as I could before the predicted solar
disturbances raised they're ugly head. Started off with a 168Q/hour and
the rate stayed over 100 until the 03Z hour when it dropped to 97. 03Z
was also when the 1st European went in the log. Took an hour off and
came back on at 06Z to a 102 hour. Stayed on the band until till 0740Z,
took another hour and a bit and was back on from 0850Z till 0950Z.
Worked 36 Q's in that time, so I should have probably saved that time
for Sunday but I was still concerned about what the sun was going to do.
Came back on at 1205Z and spent just under an hour on the band but didnt
like how it sounded, took another hour off and came back at 1400Z and
plopped down on 21.174 and didnt touch the VFO again until 0045Z. The
next 4 hours produced rates over 100 Q's/hour, all Europe with some
juicy Asian stuff thrown in. The JA's reappeared about 2020Z and by
2230Z it was just about all JA again. Worked just under 1100 Q's in that
time to finish the first 24 hours at 1954 Q's and 702 Prefixes. My plan
so far was working wonderfully, of the 702 prefixes only about 65 were
US prefixes. All of them from the 2nd radio or a few misguided souls who
thought they weren't out of band. Came back on at 0150Z and for the 1st
time CQed up in the American band, the 1st 2 hours of that produced
rates of 134 and 97. Took one off time from 0530Z till 0645Z and came
back and made another 86 Q's then called it a night until 1245Z when I
came up to 21.324 and spent the rest of the day there. To give you an
example of how short of US prefixes I was, N6AA gave me the N6 mult at
1405Z Sunday morning! Sunday was a repeat of Saturday only this time I
was working Americans too. The day produced 2 hours of over 100 Q's, 15Z
and 22Z. I finally ran out of operating time at 2300Z. The 2nd day
produced 1364 Q's and  311 Prefixes for me, most of them American. The
2nd radio payed huge dividends for me this time, not only did I keep an
ear on KX8R and VB7B all weekend, but I found some nice mults and run
across guys that wouldn't normally S&P like K1AR and K1DG. KR2Q had the
nicest QRP signal I heard all weekend and was it just me or were there a
ton of mobiles out there too? Biggest equipment problem was very early
Sunday morning when the rig wouldnt unkey after the voice keyer was
done. Worked much better after I  realized I had my foot on the

This operation wouldnt have taken place without the commitment that Don,
VE6JY puts into his station or without the love and dedication of my
lovely wife who is VERY understanding of my contesting obsession. My
heartfelt thanks to both of them. 

Here are some stats for you number crunchers.

73 Todd

  ----  ------   -----   -----
    0     168     168     168
    1     139     139     307
    2     121     121     428
    3      97      97     525
    4      96      96     621
    5       3       3     624
    6     102     102     726
    7      69      69     795
    8       9       9     804
    9      27      27     831
   10       0       0     831
   11       0       0     831
   12      38      38     869
   13       1       1     870
   14     138     138    1008
   15     144     144    1152
   16     115     115    1267
   17     112     112    1379
   18      89      89    1468
   19      81      81    1549
   20      85      85    1634
   21     128     128    1762
   22     107     107    1869
   23      85      85    1954

    0      66      66    2020
    1      22      22    2042
    2     134     134    2176
    3      97      97    2273
    4      84      84    2357
    5      28      28    2385
    6      11      11    2396
    7      43      43    2439
    8      31      31    2470
    9       1       1    2471
   10       0       0    2471
   11       0       0    2471
   12      17      17    2488
   13      81      81    2569
   14      88      88    2657
   15     100     100    2757
   16      77      77    2834
   17      48      48    2882
   18      82      82    2964
   19      77      77    3041
   20      80      80    3121
   21      85      85    3206
   22     112     112    3318

  TOTAL  3318  

   Continent List  

                    15     %
                    --    ---
  USA calls   =    604    18
  VE calls    =     81     2
  N.A. calls  =     31     1
  S.A. calls  =     45     1
  Euro calls  =   1642    50
  Afrc calls  =     22     1
  Asia calls  =    180     5
  JA calls    =    665    20
  Ocen calls  =     48     1

  Total calls =   3318   100

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