kk7gw@yahoo.com kk7gw@yahoo.com
Tue, 7 Nov 2000 01:12:05 -0500 (EST)

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - CW
Call: W7RM
Operator(s): KK7GW
Station: W7RM

Class: SO LP
Section: WWA
Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band     QSOs
   80:     74
   40:    168
   20:    193
   15:    151
   10:    459
Total:   1045 x     79  =  165,110



My first serious contest since WPX SSB, I definately was not in top form. 
Opened with a 97 hour on 10, then Saturday got worse from there.  Missed VY1
somehow to miss the sweep by 1 section for the second straight year.  Gambled
that 10 would be open all day sunday and switched down to 20 early, sorta paid
off in that I was able to run on 10 at an average of 40/hour Sunday for 7+

Dunno if I stayed on 10 too much or not, I was getting callers.  Never felt
loud on 15 at all, never was able to get a good run going there.  Overall down
120 q's and 15k points from my HP effort last year, I was hoping for 1150 and
the sweep at the start.  Hopefully this will be good enough for top 10 SOLP,
but I kinda doubt it.

But, it was nice to get back into the groove, and I'll see you all again from
W7RM, power to be decided, for SS SSB.

Long story to follow to CQ-Contest once I sleep.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
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