[3830] Band Breakdowns

Dinkelman, Michael W. michael.dinkelman@physio-control.com
Wed Nov 8 17:55:55 EST 2000

Hello All

	I've received a several inquires about Band Breakdown
data (mostly  - where is mine?) Here is how the Band Breakdown
process works.

	I have written software to parse summary results. 
Unfortunately, there are so many summary formats, I can't 
parse them all. So last year, Bruce Horn/WA7BNM came up with
a Web page (listed below) that will produce a standardized 
report plus allow people some creativity/individuality through
the Comments section. It saves me a massive amount of work 
in major contests (almost 500 stations reporting so far in CQWW)
by allowing automated entry of data which I used to enter by hand.
There are also other issues related to reflector operations that make 
summaries submitted by the Web page more desirable than those
that are not.

	For those who prefer to send summaries in other 
formats, are not aware of the page, or do not have Web access,
I am committed to continue entering basic data (data I used 
to store before the Web page) by manual entry.  However, 
I can't extend this to band data because it increases my work
load exponentially (more data entry), band data is formatted 
even more wildly then the basic data, and it provides an 
added value for Hams that use the Web Page. So, if you want to
be included in Band Breakdowns - use the Web Page.

	Note... we are not trying to stifle creativity or
sterilize the reporting process. The Comment section of 
the Web page will allow almost anything to be pasted into it
that you would write in to a normal message. Some people
are pretty creative.

Best of luck!
dink, n7waw

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