ea5dfv at uv.es ea5dfv at uv.es
Thu Nov 2 03:58:47 EST 2000

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - SSB
Call: EA5DFV
Operator(s): EA5DFV
Station: EA5DFV

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Pedreguer (A) SPAIN
Operating Time (hrs): 38

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:      2      1      2
   80:     33      4     22
   40:    179     12     57
   20:    687     27     91
   15:    815     27     96
   10:   1226     35    110
Total:   2942    106    378  =  3,116,476



Equipment Description:

TS-850 + ACOM 2000A 
Mosley Pro67B @ 20m
M2 6el monoband 15m @ 15m
Delta-loop 80m.
More information on http://www.qsl.net/ea5dfv

Nice conditions the first day and drop down the second.
>From 1997, I was running the CQWW with multisingle EA5URP, but this year
we tray to single operator. I test my new amp ACOM 2000A for first time
in a contest: it run like a clock, simple and precise.
I put the antennas and equipament ok two weeks before the contest, but
two days before the M2 4el monband for 20m was broken (maybe the balun) and
I can't mount to the tower: I catch a cold, and just the saturday a lose part
of my voice like is usual. I can only do two runs, and the sunday mainly
I look for multiplayer, with some calling with a terrible voice.

Many thaks to all stations calling me or reply my call, specialy to 
that ones that can ear my hoarse voice.

73 de Jose Miguel

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