[3830] S50Q - CQWW SSB 2000, M/S HP Score

Robert Bajuk s57aw at bit.si
Sat Nov 4 23:54:25 EST 2000

CQ World-Wide DX Contest 2000

COUNTRY: Slovenia
ZONE: 15

         QSOs    Points    Zones  DXCC
160m:   125       146        7       50
80m:     262       327      17       71
40m:     457     1108      26       93
20m:     834     2078      36     144
15m:   1312     3171      39     140
10m:   1601     4261      39     154
         4591    11091     164     652

Claimed score: 9,050,256 points

Station Description:
Running station : FT-1000MP / AL-1500 Amp
Mult station : TS-690, TS-850s, SB-220 Amp
TNC connected to local DX Cluster

 10m: 6/6 el. Yagi
 15m: 6/6 el. Yagi
 20m: 5 el. Yagi
 40m: 3 el. Yagi
 80m: 4 sloopers
160m: low QUAD and dipole

Operators: S50Q, S56M, S57AL, S57AW

Remarks :
Our first M/S attempt and we had fun...no CQ-ing on the mult station:-)

Nice JA pile up on 10m and bad conditions during Aurora on Sunday afternoon

73 & CU in CW part !

Robert, S57AW

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