[3830] ARRL SS CW N2NL SO Unlimited

n2nl at earthlink.net n2nl at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 5 21:58:20 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - CW
Call: N2NL
Operator(s): N2NL
Station: N2NL

Class: SO Unlimited
Section: SFL
Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band     QSOs
  160:      0
   80:      0
   40:    188
   20:    274
   15:    304
   10:     66
Total:    832 x     80  =  133,120

Club: Florida Contest Group


Operated from my apartment, with NO ANTENNA clause in the lease.  Antennas were
hidden dipoles and a wire beam pointed north, all laying on the roof of my
building 25ft high.  

73, Dave N2NL

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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